Friday 25 October 1996


5th Oct:
Dinner (skate wing and Mousse au Chocolat [a first]), bed and breakfast for Ann and Noel. A good ending to a week of minor catastrophies.

15th Oct:
On the road to Mandalay, well, Christian anyway. Promise of a good job - just the right excuse to indulge on a wet Tuesday evening in October.

18th Oct:
Plenty to celebrate:
  • Christian's job
  • Johnny's show in Brussels
  • The end of the week.
A good evning's conversation with MK and Johnny and food à la Nick Nairn (monkfish with redwine sauce, dauphinoise potatoes and a lethal tiramisu cheese cake)
19th Oct:
More to celebrate - Jen's "very good" Ofsted report and she arrived without any work to do. Not a book in sight!

20th Oct:
The works - doorman with umbrella, view from the dining room over the course to the sea, champagne to start and a delicious meal. Dinner at home afterwards was rather more simple! Will we make it back for the Millenium?

22nd Oct:
From Turnberry to the Chinese takeaway - such is life! Anyway, a delicious meal for 3 which was more than enough for 3 + 3 after a hard day's work for some and a hard day's shopping for others.
C'est la vie.

23rd Oct:
I could already have written a book on my own of the lovely times there have been here. However, this one was particularly good. It is to be noted - no school books in evidence - and what rewards! An other world experience at Turnberry; walking, talking, eating, drinking - it was all great. you must retire - there are so many nice things to do! Please put in the future B & B brochures -Burell collection closed on Tuesdays until further notice - however, Christian and I still found somewhere to eat. There is probably no need to warn future guests of Christian's violent tendancies and my bruises are starting to disappear. Perhaps they just need to run when he goes for the golf clubs! (Jen)
NB I thought I deserved a page all to myself after all my visits so I took on the challenge.

25th Oct::
Forgot again which is a pity as Bernadette would have been good for a "few" words in French!