Sunday 24 August 1997

Lots of Firsts

A few things to celebrate with the gift (champagne) from BMW in Royon;  the new car, Christian's "last "folly; the long awaited visit to La Rochelle and an overnight visit to June and Bill (our ex-neighbours) in Toulouse.

A different 14th July for us both. Christian suffering the monsoon in Rangoon and a not very exciting embassy drinks party. Mine was
more eventful. A village gathering in the square to hear Monsieur le Maire give a speech about "liberté, égalité et fraternité" and present medals to veterans of the Algerian war; the band played the Marseillaise while the municiple police and fire officers saluted. after that they removed their headgear and the Maire his tricolour sash and everyone headed for the apéro which had been laid on for one and all. finally, dancing of the sardane which was far to complicated for me to join in with. Next year? Lunch at the "Mas" (Philippe and Giselle's in -the -process-of-being-renovated farmhouse) al fresco. Fireworks and dancing in the evening.

"Feria" - what an experience! Bulls running in the streets with young men hanging off every part, music, dancing, water sprays, colourful hairdos, the red (blood) and black (death) of the corrida officienados, drink and merry making in excess.

First birthday in France celebrated with Philippe, Gisèle and Jen at Can Tomás in Rabos, over the "border". A picturesque village with church, paved streets, flowers and the chimes of midnight when we walked by. Followed the next and actual day with an al fresco lunch up at the mas with Josette and Jacky after a phone call from Christian. Veuve Clicot and cake to complete.

A welcome return for Christian after 8 long weeks in monsoon Burma, shared with Gisèle anf Jen on the small terrace.
Back home after 8 long weeks; it's really nice to come back to your big house and your wee wife with so much love to share. (Christian)

I was the one who arrived well before the oven! Now I know where you're phoning from. What a great choice of house and area - watch out, I halls be back! Remember vous êtes dans le sud - no rush, think of the possibilities. Every happiness to you both for your future here.
 All my love, Jen

One of many visits to "La Taverne" but this time with Frank, Clara and the children before they head back to Sete. Our  first  "family" visit with zarzuela" all round.

Many thanks for a wonderful visit and for showing us your corner of France and Catalunya. There is always a warm welcome for you in Meussac. we hope to come back soon, but please, please, arrange for a gros orage to STOP les clôches.