Sunday 20 October 2019

What a time we 've had!

Hello All,
I thought it was about time that I gave some sign of life. Lordy, lordy, months of silence!
Well, I've been to Scotland for Ann's birthday, hit 70 and had summer visits from the family.
Life after that was intense with all the preparations for Comrie Pipe Band's visit to the village.
I've spent hours in meetings, hours chasing around, hours in discussion, hours in front of the computer and not enough hours in my bed asleep! thought I'd nevr get there at one point and needless to say stressed myself more than was needed.
Anyway, they've been and gone. arrived last Sunday and left yesterday among the traffic chaos caused by the response to the Catalan ploitical crisis. Living near the border has its occasional downside. The visit was an enormous success; they were a great bunch of people, the
weather was fine and sunny and they were much appreciated by the local population that turned out to see them. have a look at their Facebook page for photos and videos. Hopefully at some point I'll get my own photos into an album.
I've a few loose ends to tie up while at the same time enjoying a visit from Frank, Stéphanie and the girls who'll be here until Thursday.
They're due to arrive in a short while so I'll say "bye for now and à bientôt".
23°, heavy rain this morning, sunny spells later