Monday 27 April 2020

Farewell to Mum

24.4.20 - 27.4.20: 
Mum's taken to her bed which only confirms what we've been seeing from the window; she's tired and fading.
Staff in the home supportrd by district nursing staff saw her through her end of life care, keeping us informed every step of the way.
Mum died on the evening of 27th. As it happened Mel and Alison had walked down (2m apart) to see how things were so were with us to watch her leave for the Chapel of Rest. It was so moving, all the staff came out and lined up outside the home to see her off. The undertaker slowed down when he passed us. So lucky to be closer than many people are able to be and it helps. It's been a relief that old age took her and not a struggle against covid.
Slowly things are getting organised for a simple ceremony to be conducted by the priest at the Chapel of Rest. Rosie is dealing with all the official notifications and us with distant family and friends. Then all that's left is clearing her room when staff are free to do so.