Monday 30 November 2020

Lockdown à la Française

1.11.20 - 27.11.20: Well, the days of lockdown have followed much the same pattern as they did in UK; newspapers, lunch in the sun on the terrace over a couple of crosswords, walks, computer and tv. There were, however, some differences. A form to be carried giving the reason for leaving the house, no bubbles, compulsory mask wearing and walks limited to 1 hour a day and within 1km of home. My shopping I did at the little Spar supermarket in the village and at the Saturday market,which was the highlight of the week. What a pleasure to have a cuppa on the terrace of the café while chatting (at a distance) to friends. As the café was selling a take away meal, they had the right to sell non alcoholic drinks. I suppose legally, we didn't have the right to stay chatting but a bit of human contact is essential for one's mental health, especially when living alone. The weather was good and I had some lovely walks in the sunshine and when with Françoise ventured more off the beaten track.

The only other reason that I was out, was to go for my second cataract op and its two follow up appointments, and three trips to the clinic in Perpignan for routine checkups. All were without concern and of course, provided a legitimate reason to go out and thus a welcome change of scene. Amazing what passes for fun these days!

While I was in UK, I thought of all the things that I could have been doing organising and deep cleaning the house ......... not much of that kind of thing has come to pass! 

28.11.20 - 30.11.20: Sun is back. Lockdown rules have been relaxed a bit; we can now go 20km from home for up to 3 hours exercise, go to church, have our hair done  and shop for non essential goods. More liberty will come after 15th, all being well; Christmas is saved! Lives, though, that's another thing.  Amazing, France and Britain can, at last, agree on something!

 Weather: Mostly in the 20's with blue skies and sunshine bringing fiery sunsets that is  until 26th when we had very heavy rain for three days and temperatures dropping to 13°. Sun came back and temperatures rose. One of the joys of living here; rain isnt't interminable.