Saturday 31 July 2021

July has Come and Gone

 So, here I am, nearly at the end of August, catching up with the end of July. Can't believe how quickly both the time and good intentions disappear! Every time I do a Chitchat catch up I resolve to keep on top of it in either weekly, fortnightly or end of monrh chunks. Well, you know that's rarely, never the case. Nothing to say in my defence. Can't even plead being busy with other 'terribly important' things. Anyway, back to the task in hand.

July finished in much the same way as it started but with two important differences ..... I'm back on the treadmill and friends Jacques, Yaneth and their daughter Lisa from Colombia are here on holiday, staying with Jean-Jacques. Of course we had several get togethers at the café, chez JJ and chez Jean & Françoise. They're still talking about finding somewhere here to live for when Lisa finishes her schooling. Such interesting people so fingers crossed.

Among all the routine stuff of daily papers, almost daily cuppa at one or other of the cafés, I entertained Lone and Michel, who didn't commit until the last minute, to an apéritif dinatoire. Martine should have been with us, too but had forgotten! She didn't get away lightly as I told her she had to come the next day to finish up the left overs. As usual, I'd prepared too much.

Unsually though, there was only one restaurant visit:; dinner at the pizza restaurant in the Place de Neuf Jets with David and Laura.

Weather remains hot and more or less dry, covid restrictions still in place but public compliance is somewhat piecemeal and discussions for and against vaccinations and restrictions are starting to get heated. The only entertainment during this time was an appearance by the banda again at the Saturday market. Good job I'm always happy people watching as that doesn't need any official permission.

Weather: Peaked at 38° though at the end of the month it dropped to 26° when there was an almighty thunderstorm.

Sunday 18 July 2021

Phew! Summer Reigns!

 18.7.21: Latest from Here

July so far has been hot and there are more people in the village on holiday. Life for me has continued with its usual routines and I'm finally trying to repalce walks with the treadmill. Social life while nothing spectacular leaves no room for complaint. Time spent with friends brings much pleasure. 

We've just had a 23h curfew for bars and restaurants reimposed because of the increase of the Delta variant transmission from the 1st of August we're supposed to show a vaccination pass if going into bars and restaurants even on terraces. How on earth can such demands be controlled. Trips into Spain are no longer advised. And then, due to all the dry vegetation and careless, irresponsible people, summer fires have started up. Thank goodness it's not all gloom  as the photo collage shows. Céret hosted the depart of 15th stage of the Tour de France which brought much excitement and a boost to morale. As the late lamented Fidelma Cook, who wrote a column in "The (Glasgow) Herald" about living in France said, "onwards and upwards!".