Monday 28 February 2022

Good bye Galettes des Rois, Hello Crêpes!

 February 2022

1.2.22: Blues

Depressing news. Wordle has been bought by NYT for a seven figure sum, so no doubt it's fans will have to pay for the fun of playing. And the Greased Piglet is playing dirty in Parliament and side stepping Sue Gray's "update/not report". Here it's an electricity blue tarrif day (ie., the lowest price) and the sun is shining in a blue cloudless sky.  

2.2.22: And Twos! 

Today, the French celebrate "Chandeleur" (Candlemas), when it is traditional to eat crêpes rather than on Shrove Tuesday. Didn't follow tradition; still had leftovers to finish up -----

§ In case you’re not aware of the English expression “blues and twos”, it relates to emergency vehicles putting on flashing blue lights and the siren. 


Lunch with Sylvia and Michel after a trip to the market in Figueres.


The flora and fauna that Françoise and I came across on our walk of over 2 hours. food, wine and cava was a more than reasonable recompense!


Apéritif dinatoire chez moi. Jacques, Michel and Anita (you can just see her knees!) were the advance garde; Jacques and JJ arrived at the end of the Scotland v England rugby match, which Scotland won, by the way! 


Apéritif on Martine's terrace before a superb lunch which included Cheese soufflé and tornodos rossini. There are few to compete with Martine in the kitchen.
Just one of the splendid sunsets that we've been having.


The bees were busy on the yellow winter honeysuckle, grown from a small cutting that Dad gave me years ago while I was busy with the seceteurs. It escaped without any intervention on my part but I certainly did my worst elsewhere toiling away for 7 hours! 

The back court now looks like this.


A day out over the border. No checks . Despite feeling stiff after yesterday's efforts, the walk between L'Escala, passed the Greco- Roman ruins to the medieval village of Empuriès where we had lunch, was a real pleasure.


Q. What’s the difference between an “aperitif dinatoire” and an “aperitif simple”? 

A. 4.30h of preparation!


 Drove 10km up into the mountains for lunch with friends. And what a lunch it was. French women (of a certain age) leave me in awe! Menu on demand!


Sunday lunch at JJ's was a meat fondue; an altogether simpler affair though no less genererous and convivial. Jean and Françoise had also been there but had had to go early for grandchild duties. They did, however, leave clutching 2 goodly portions of dessert.


Thank goodness, Ginette treated me to a large slice of cake as dinner chez Jacques' later on didn't arrive on the table until until 10pm! Michel and his visitors only arrived at 8.30pm, an hour and a half late. The other hour and a half in between was taken up by the apéritif!


Lunch on the terrace of Anita's new flat in an old village not too far from here. Food, drink, music, laughter, varied conversation (a lawyer, an artist and two professional musicians were among the company) lasted until 6pm by which time the sun had gone down behind the buildings opposite. Hard to believe that in other parts of  France and UK, storm Eunice was causing havoc.


Yesterday's fine weather has given way  to a chilly, cold day. Neither Jacques or I could be bothered to cook so we had dinner at the village restaurant where we were treated to a glass of fizz at the end. Preferable to a loyalty card that I never cash in, methinks!


The view from Michel's 1st floor terrace across a neighbour's garden where the almond tree is in blossom. Needless to say lunch was taken enjoying the sun.


A walk up above the village with Françoise and her grandson ~ and not before time, too. Blue sky, trees in bloom and grandiose scenery; should do more walking and less screen time. 


Tonight's apéritif  with Nicole and Matilde was a welcome end to a day that saw a trip to the recycling centre and a an outside clean up.


This month has also included several meals out, regular cuppas at one café or another in the village, at one friend's or another, even chez moi, oldies' gym, boxset binges (Viking Valhalla) and watching "Belfast" and "Eiffel" on a big screen. Was pleased to hear that Cressida Dick, Met. Police chief, had resigned but Boris is still ensconced in N°10 playing at being a European statesman. 

So February in this little corner of France ends with an image far from the unimaginable events that are happening in Ukraine as bombs fall, tanks roll, and people die.

 Last lap of a 2.5h walk with Martine that took us up hill and down dale.