Tuesday 31 January 2023

Chitchat is back!

January 2023:

India: A memorable two weeks in 1989 visiting all the must see places in Delhi and Rajistan followed by a more relaxing time staying on a houseboat on Lake Dahl. Just before Kashirmir was closed to tourists, we even managed to go out from Srinigar into the clear, crisp air of the Himalayas.

Fast forward to 2023:

Started the year well on the entertaing front by inviting Ann, Terry and JJ for New Years's day lunch (venison casserole) and then 3 apéritif dinatoire for other friends three days running. As exercise was needed  Françoise's proposition to walk above Collioure was welcome.

Met a man grazing his three donkeys on the slopes, workers pruning the vines and a childminder with a triple buggy. It was 17° and our picnic in the sun was a good recompense for all the effort made.

As you might remember, after the excess of the festive season, the abundance of calories continues in January with "Galettes des Rois" appearing on every table. 

Our street was no exception with seven different nationalities present in the square with as many galettes on offer. More were found at the Maire's New Year wishes evening, same at the Association's; fortunately the President's speech was a whole lot shorter than the Maire's. He did, however, announce that the Département was to be financing a roundabout at the entry to the village; something which has been demanded for over 10 years. There were more galettes at Jacques' after which the treadmill beckoned though sadly, I didn't manage a daily routine. 
A new food experience came along too. Yop and Ann did a Dutch lunch for 15 of us from the Association. A "chez nous" where members discover the food traditions and culture of another country or region of France in a homely setting is nowadays the only activity that interests me. A lot of cabbage, smoked sausage and beer were on the menu.
Hard on the heels of this meal was a more sophisticated one over the border in a restaurant new to me; what a treat it turned out to be especially as Maggie's son Mark treated me. On the way up to Le Perthus there were traces of snow on the verges at 273m and of course a good covering on the Pyrénées, to be seen. If you're looking for a creative mix of flavours served by attentive but unobtrusive staff in a setting oozing with character, "Tartana" ticks all the boxes. The Monday - Friday very reasonably priced lunchtime menu gave a choice of 3 starters, 7 mains and a number of desserts. Whatsmore, Alberto the owner/chef changes the menu daily. Taking time to come out from the kitchen to talk to customers, he spoke with us in English about the renovation of the building and coming to fruition of the restaurant or "my baby" as he called it! There was also a centennial oak to admire just down from the restaurant.
Tucked away just off the main road through Vilafant, Tartana is somewhere I look forward to taking friends like Martine, Jacques and JJ.

With falling temperatures, there were a few snow flakes over the village which is a lot lower that Le Perthus. Though as you can see from the photo, it melted before it hit the ground.

Otherwise, I did all the usual stuff : wordle (everyday), English with Lisa (once a week), online jigsaws (becoming an addiction), tv (goes without saying), Duolingo Spanish (helpful; just a shame it's S. American rather than Castillian).

 Of course, there was coffee, apéros and meals with friends, 
lunch time folk music at the café with Mary (Scottish) and Franc (Irish)
and splendid sunsets to be enjoyed; less enjoyable though some techie challenges came along which with a lot of persistence and after much hair pulling I'm glad to say were solved.

Weather: Started January with 20° which toward the 3rd week dropped to a very chilly 6° with a flurry of snow. Ended the month with 12° and fingers crossed for a rise in temperatures in February.

Sunday 1 January 2023

Happy New Year! Bonne Année!

 May peace, health, happiness and success in realising your projects come your way in 2023.