Sunday 30 April 2023

Getting a Welcome Break!

April 2023:

 Rome: I've visited twice; once with women friends in 1983, then in 2004 to celebrate Christian's birthday. And of course, endless times through tv and film!  Musing over. Back to the present, it's time to change the blog background for something a little more springlike . . .  yes! it worked!

Ist Week of March: 

This week has been one of late nights. Can't seem to kick the habit of "just one more episode/online jigsaw". Synchronising them isn't easy and I just hate leaving either one or the other undone. Do you need to know this? Not really. Just look at the pix rather than delve into my state of mind! 

There have been technology problems. TV 's been cutting out and I fear that it's about to conk out. Of course, not a tv repairer to be found. Jacques offered to bring down the upstairs one but wanted first to make sure I hadn't overlooked something. I hadn't. Mansplaining in action! In the end the tv was too heavy for him because of his shoulder on which he's having physio. Don't know why he offered; it was never going to be possible. Streaming speeds have been frustratingly unstable despite fibre optic. Had my laptop MOTed but had to take it back, as another problem had arisen during said MOT.

Think I've been spending too much time in front of one screen or another doing mindless tasks . This month's has been finding and editing photos of Maggie to give to her family. I've spent hours; longer than need be as I've been side tracked into organising my own, too. Brain in danger of becoming addled!

 For example, I had been invited to lunch at Nick and Lizzie's but was convinced that it was the next day. Luckily Nick phoned so I was only an hour late. The six of them were highly amused that I was even later than Terry. Nice meal, differing opinions about the worth of the monarchy and a chocolate rabbit to bring home.


Oh dear! What a depressing way to start off Chitchat's April post; sorry, I really don't want to get my woes and little frustrations out of proportion, so I'll move quickly on to more fun events.

 Poisson Avril (April Fool's Day), not pinned on some unsuspecting person's back as is the tradition in France but tied to front doors along our street. Mine's the spotty one.

Joined Lynne, Rémi and their friend Annie in a day out over the border which was made all the sweeter by being unexpected. Started with a stroll and a lunch in Calella de Parafrugel. Surprise N°2 . . Rémi treated us all to lunch. Despite the cool breeze, there were even a few people in the water.

Afterwards we headed off to the botanical gardens of Cap Roig created in 1927 by Dorothy Webster and her Tsarist Russian husband. Beautifully kept, splendid views and of courses a treasure trove of plants from around the world. 
The week finished with artistic contrasts at each end of the day. A morning outing with Jean, Françoise and JJ took us to a photo exhibition about Venice in the former Dominican Convent of Collioure (14th century) now a wine cellar. Admired the photos, resisted buying a bottle and had coffee in The Templiers bar.

In the evening there was a vernissage of my neighbour Gérard's paintings. Images, mostly brutal, done with his fingers on paper, cardboard, whatever; frames either old windows or from cupboards. Not my cuppa but two or three actually sold. The following apéro was all very sociable and Jacques invited me, Jean-Paul and Janie back to his. It was the first time that I'd met the other two; Jacques had met them once. Being an ex metal health socal worker, Janie and I had a lot to talk about. Finally made it home after 2am; not sure exactly when!

And so I arrive at the end of the week with spirits lifted. 

Easter Week: 

On the up side, the tv is back working again and on the downside, I can't close the jeans that I bought last October! Agghhh! So it's back on the treadmill for me.

The fish came down and were replaced on our doors by chickens.
Spent Easter morning sending greetings and pottering. The rest of the day was spent pleasantly at Lynne's. As she was going to be on her own until Rémi returned from his tennis tournament, she decided to do lunch for others on their own. For a made up group, the afternoon passed well with plenty of chat, a bit of table tennis, a stroll around the garden and Jo's karaoke. This was a bit of a trial but we indulged her! Good will and all that.

Coffee with Ann & Terry; Terry was nearly 2 hours late. Don't now feel so bad about last week; he knew that he had the right date and was still late. Come to think of it, so did I, but the my right date was the wrong date! Coffee with Nicole, an apéro chez Martine to discuss a possible visit to Scotland but the cost of the flights knocked that idea on the head! There was an apéro at the bar with JJ, Jean and Françoise and I did an apéritif dinatoire chez moi a couple of days later which also included Linde. Oh yes, there was lunch chez Jacques. Bet you thought we'd fallen out as his name hasn't popped up much recently.

Weather: Mostly between 20 -25° and sunny with a couple of days around 18° , feeling chillier in the wind

Trip to Yorkshire:

Just had to take advantage of the new flight from Perpignan to Leeds/Bradford, just a stone's throw from where Jen , my friend from the first week at Uni lives. Had to be up for 6am to have breakfast and do all the last bits and pieces before going away. Made it to the airport without any hold ups caused by anti retirement reform action. Plane left 30 mins late, consesuently Jen had a wait at Leeds/Bradford which cost 16 quid in parking fees!! 

Still the sun was shining  there were lambs in the fields and daffs blooming by the wayside. After a salad lunch we set about putting together a garden table .... no such thing as a free lunch, eh? All the bits were there and the end result was credible. Sat outside enjoying a cuppa and the warmth until the cup was empty and the patio was in shade. 

Made a slow start the next day  but were still in time to meet Sue and John for coffee in the Victorian arcade in Otley. Vintage clothes and bric-a-brac shops gave an old fashioned feel to it all and the café even had a golden oldies playlist; which says more about the clientelle than the young staff.

In the churchyard there was an amazing tree with a twisted trunk, and nearby a monument to the "navvies" who built a railway tunnel and especially to those who lost their lives while doing so. (27 died in a roof collapse). Had a quick walk around the market but beat a retreat as the rain came on. Later in the afternoon we headed off to Pudsey to M&S. I came back with a lighter purse and Jen with heavier feet! Fish n chips for dinner eaten out of the paper" in front of the telly as the rain bettered down outside. 
We also made a trip into Harrogate where avoiding "Betty's" we drank tea and ate scones in preference to "taking the water"!

Apart from spending time with Jen, a long promised trip to Whitby for a couple of days was a highlight. Like S America, I've never been! (If you're wondering where the heck that's come from, you shouldn't have skipped earlier posts!) Hit some traffic en route near York but enjoyed the countryside, stopped at the Highwayman café for a drink and had an excellent lunch in the "New Derwent" in Malton. 

Made a photo stop in  Pickering in remembrance of Maggie and carried on to Whitby via "Heartbeat " country. 
B&B comfortable with the only problem being two old ladies locked in their bedroom.  We unlocked and turned the knob I don't know how many times until one of us decided to pull instead of turn the knob. It took us about 10 mins to work it out though in fairness, a knob is for turning. A handle is for pulling! Dinner went by the wayside after our substantial lunch so it was a banana, a couple of biscuits and the telly after a short, windy walk around and about.

Made it down to breakfast for 9am. Had the works. Walked along the West Cliff Parade with the whalebone arch, statue of Captain Cook and views of the Abbey ruins on the eastern side of the Esk estuary with the 192 steps to reach it. Otherwise the Goth/ Dracula link is evident and fish n chip shops abound with at least 3 claiming they're the best in Britain. There's some impressive architecture, a swing bridge, harbour, Georgan terraces, narrow closes and lots of steps. Sadly, the town has seen better days. Walked around rather than take the car. The wind was wild and icy and from time to time there were short, sharp showers. Warmed up with coffee at "Hetty & Betty's", a dog friendly place. We were desperate for something hot so suffered the dogs in silence! Went out in the evening, again on foot and again the wind was cold. Did a fair bit of walking before we settled on "Cosa Nostra" over the swing bridge. We both had pasta and dessert. My sticky Toffee Pud and icecream was over the top. Treadmill here I come!

 Next day, I forwent the full English as I could feel that all the little extras were piling on. 

Visited the abbey where despite the blue sky, it was perishing cold. The views from East cliff were splendid though. 
Had a hot chocolate in the YHA café to set us up for the return journey. Came back via the Scarborough road, finally stopping in Stockton on the Forest for a cuppa and a shared teacake in a garden centre. How I miss this sort of set up; have never ever seen anything similar in France. Spent the evening with a blanket over the knees and a hot water bottle for the feet in the night. What a time for the central heating boiler to play up! 

A phone call to the service people got the boiler sorted for the time being until they can come out. A relief, I can tell you. We avoided "Betty's" in Ilkley, too, when we visited; in any case the queue for lunch was out of the door. Settled instead for Bar T'at. Didn't have any dessert, stopped instead on the way home at a swish interiors and garden centre for tea and cake.

Weather: 8° - 12°, strong, bitterly cold winds, rain, squally showers, sunshine, cold feet!

Time to go! The alarm went off at 3h30 so we could be at the airport by five. It was heaving with families heading off to numerous destinations.. Took over 30 minutes to get through security otherwise despite a half hour delay we arrived on time. Shuttle bus into town was a hoot with a well travelled Greek living in Canada telling a lot of travellers' tales and two Algerian families making their way back to Marseilles after having missed their flight yesterday. A bit of a wait before getting the bus back home which was dead on time. Dropped off the case and headed over to Jacques' for lunch. Magret de canard ... my favourite.  

Much to my surprise I was able to admire my plants in bloom; the 2 days of rain showers obviously did them a power of good. And, and . . . a great granddaughter arrived!

Rest of April: First few days brought nothing of much interest apart for a trip to the market and  the start of a four month catch up of Chitchat. Here's What I wrote as a Chitchat update on the 28th:   

I can't believe that we've left Winter behind and are into Spring and all that Chitchat has said since the start of the year is "Happy New Year". So, finally, I'm starting to to do a catch up. I don't like loose ends but you've probably guessed, I'm also avoiding a more unpleasant task. Yes, it's that time of year again ... tax returns are due at the beginning of June. So far, my fall back position has been sorting, editing, tagging and backing up years of digital photos. Obstensibly through fears that my old pc will one day, before too long, give up its soul and leave me saying "why didn't I do it as I went along". Just as I'm saying now about Chitchat! Anyway, here goes ....

Feeling really pleased with myself that today, the 3rd of May it's done even though my back and shoulders ache like mad from being hunched over the computer for more hours than I dare count.  

The 30th, however was a day off as Jean and Françoise invited me to join them on a day out to Port de la Selva over the border . Lots of sunshine and lots of shorts getting an airing. Lunch at the Club Nautic which wasn't as good as the other time we ate there. Still, won't complain, I was treated. Stopped off in Llança on the way back to say hello to Victor. Years since I'd seen him and he's become heavily involved in the Independence movement. Arrived back in the village just in time for the MaM concert. Steve singing his own compositions and Jacques P. singing "vintage" French songs.  

Weather:  24°, some wind and some rain, mostly overnight

And to finish off:

Making a promise to myself to keep ontop of Chitchat in the future (if possible, I need to add). " On verra!"