Friday 30 June 2023

June: Already halfway through the year


How annoying is that? No indication as to where the photo has been taken. An internet search tells me that the columns are Greek but as we all aware the Empire was sizable, so who knows. My travels in Greece have been limited to Corfu, several times in the late 70's - 80's on a limited budget and Crete in 1995 on a cheap, last minute package deal. Memories of moussaka and cold chips of the former and a room without AC of the later.


Found these photos of Corfu; sorry they've faded with age but don't we all?

 These of Crete are a bit better.

Anyway, . . . every time I say this word I'm reminded of JJ remarking during our visit to Scotland that he heard it all the time and wanted to know what it meant. For those of you who are interested,  "WordReference", my trusty linguistic helpmate says:

  • in any case, regardless = quand même, de toute façon
  • informal for resuming previous topic = quoi qu'il en soit, enfin
 but I digress . . . back to 2023 and life in the village

1st - 14th: First day of the month and straight back into the swing of things with my usual English conversation hour with Lisa, a fresh food shop for a least two weeks with Jacques and in the evening an apéro chez Jean & Françoise. JJ, of course, was the chauffer for Linde, moi and Teddy, an exuberant, 5 month old retriever that she doesn't like leaving. He's cute but not my idea of an appropriate pet for an 80+ year old and even more it's a headache to find alternative care for him when she can't be there. I'm not the only one who has made it clear that dog minding is not on the agenda. 

Maybe it seems mean but I learnt my lesson early on that a pet isn't a fit with my lifestyle. Mr Bones (a border/Jack Russel cross full of character) being the case in question. Luckily Mum took him in and gave him a better life than I could. Crickey, here I am reminiscing again . . .

 The village came alive  at the weekend starting with a vernissage on Friday evening, a series of fun/educational/interactive events about water, craft and healthy food stands on Saturday during the day.

In the evening, the square took off with a fiesta on a flower theme. The bar was celebrating 25 years of ownership under the tlc of Jean-Louis . . . and it was some fiesta!

Music was provided by two bandas, Gadjo Lolo and a disco; there   was also a screen showing USAP's crunch match against Grenoble, which by the way, they won.

 The two schools had painted banners, Philippe had done others, Anna and Nicole had made sunflowers with cork centres, a nod to the name of the bar which is cork in Catalan; foodwise tapas and sandwiches were on offer; beer and wine flowed served by the owners of the restaurant who’d closed in order to help out. Lot's of people more than willing to have a good time made for a great atmosphere.

Next day came a trip down to Argelès with Jean, Françoise and JJ. 

Walked along the prom with a backdrop of stunning cloud formations, looked at the colourful outdoor exhibition,

watched the tourist boat "Baracuda" dock and unload its passengers and had lunch at N° 16 overlooking the marina. Being la Fête des Mères (Mother's Day), business was good. All very sedate; what a contrast. Variety is good, n'est-ce pas?

 D(eclaration) Day  arrived. All set and ready to go with JJ coming to make sure that I put the right amounts in the right boxes on my tax form. As usual we had a bit of going round in circles but after 2 hours, with a sigh of relief, all was done and dusted and there are still 3 days in hand. What better way to celebrate than to go to Jacques' for dessert and a couple of bottles of cava. And ... there were plans to get together again tomorrow for lunch in Spain at a restaurant that Dali had found. 

Dali's lunch place lunch turned out to be " JR " in Castello d'Empuries; it was cheap, 12€50 for 3 courses, bread, water, a bottle of red, rosé and water but not one for the must-go-back list. Had a quick walk around the town, not doing it justice asthe rain came on.

Nothing else to do but beat a retreat to the car and head for home via Capmany where we stocked up on cava.

In another category altogether, lunch at Tartana, which I'd discovered in February, came a couple of days later. Started off with a coffee and a wander around the market in Figueres until it was time for food. The others (Carmen, Martine and JJ) were well impressed with the whole experience. In case you're wondering if JJ and Carmen were set to work to pay the bill by turning the olive mill, be reassured; it was just too much of a temptation to resist . Another must was the nearby centennial oak; just look at those roots.

A quiet couple of days followed with only a trip to the market taking me out of the village. But peace and quiet never lasts for long with two evenings of rather more wine than was necessay following. 

Kevin et al entertained us at the bar as the rain teemed down 

and Gadjo Lolo entertained us at our "Fête des Voisins". This time the thème was "Martes Trece". Tuesday 13th in Spain is meant to be a lucky day. In France, contary to British tradition, Friday 13th brings luck. Luckily for us, the heavy rain didn't put pay to the event as we were able to use the terrace of the restaurant which is closed on a Tuesday.There's always someone new to meet on these occasions, the food is varied and conversation ranging wide across several different languages. The table was decorated with 4 leaf clovers made by Anna saying "Good Luck" in different languages; Nicole organised a tombola with a book as a prize which was won by Sue. She's English and doesn't speak much French! Luck sometimes runs out. The lights went out at 1h30 so we cleared up and cleared off.

Weather: We've had rain most days becoming heavier with thunder as time went on. Temperatures betweed 26 - 31°. 

15th - 25th June: Shakespeareland and Back

Made my way to the airport going all the way on public transport without a hitch. It was all very sociable with lots of chitchat on the navette. Roy was at the airport to get me so, all in all, a good start to the holiday. 

The time  was a mix of out and about and taking it easy. Dinner at the Italian with Jill; at the tapas resto with Les Sœurs followed by a drink at the Black Horse. 

Went to Banbury with Mel and found the Mayor present at "Armed Forces Day and how the pair of them must have suffered in the warm weather. I had a much more appropriatte find in a charity shop; a cotton skirt with which I'm well pleased. 
 Lunch at The Church House along with a glass of cava and stroll along the canal. 
 A trip to Stratford provided another chance to do some shopping and to have lunch at the Deli. 
Just loved their definition of "Procaffination" 
and their rose lemonade (a first for me) was pretty chic and almost out of place.
 There was a brass band concert in the church as part of the Proms, coffees in The George,  a drink  at Thirst and a rerun of our covid walk. 
 Met up with Jean and John at The Bell after which they came back to Jill's for a cuppa.
 Spent the last afternoon and evening with Mary up in Sutton. I took the bus up to Solihul where we met in time for me to take her to lunch at "The Four Oaks". Trendy  but not extrordinary for the prices
Needless to say, it passed all too quickly and it was time for Mary to ferry me to the airport. The journey back was enlivened  by conversation with a children's lawyer; luckily we were on the same wavelength.
Arrived on time to find Ann and Terry waiting as was dinner at Jacques when I finally made it home. I know; as if I hadn't dome enough wining and dining in the previous 10 days.
Weather: Mostly fine just the odd spells of evening rain
26th -30th June: 
Straight back into the swing of things . . . 
  • Dinner at Jim and Mag's: Drinks on the patio, then dinner, cooked by Jim around the table inside
  • Up to Prats de Mollo by taking two buses only to find that Patt thought I was coming on Thursday not Tues and she was away in Spain food shopping! As there was nearly an hour and a haff before I could get down the valley, she was back for us to haveover two hours together. Ron and Dick, two guys I knew years and I do mean years ago, stopped by for a drink and catch up. They left with an invitation on their lips to go farther up the valley to theirs next time I'm up seeing Patt.
  • Dinnr at mine for Bruno and Christine from ou Normandy twin town + JJ 
  • Market in Figueres with Michel but unusually we didn' stay on for lunch. A sacher torte apiece which made a splendid dessert after eating last night's leftovers back at mine. 
    Jean & Françoise, again + JJ for an apéritif dinatoire chez moi. You would have though that there were 3x the number of guests from the amount of food I did! Temperature on this last day of June was 29° with clear blus skies and there are more to come.
    Alignment's gone to pot and writing this on 23rd July, its  too hot to try and work out why