Thursday 29 February 2024

Longer Days are on the Way

February 2024: Leaping ahead

My first visit to Pembrokeshire came in 1966 on a week long Field Study course in Dale Fort as part of A Level studies. 

 The second came in 1984 when I joined Suzanne, Elaine and Harry for a week in Suzanne's Mum's cottage. Quite a different experience worth getting "kippered" for.

There was another week there a couple of years later though not sure when; all I can remember is that the smoking chimney had been fixed!
At no point did I visit Carew Castle though.
February 1st and it was 21°. Incredible! No complaints about sunny weather though. No St Valentine cards or presents came my way, though no complaints about that either. The separator is just a nod in that direction! 
I'll come clean; I'm writing this on 21st April and have decided that I have neither the time nor the energy to go into much detail. Are those sighs of relief I hear . . .?
Had a few trips over the border with Michel and Kob to go to the market and with Jacques to stock up on supplies.  I also had a trip to Roses market Nicole who was in search of a suitcase. Starting over with Duolingo Spanish has been timely. 
Anyway, take it as read that I had a number of invitations to friends and also invited friends chez moi. 
Restaurants were also on the agenda including the one in the village that reopened after their two month closure. We were a noisy lot which was a bit hard on the other diners who were there "en couple" but no one complained.

Another good meal came along in at "Les Jardins de Collioure" where, after an apéritif of champagne in Michèle and Henri's holiday flat, we celebrated Michèle's birthday. Family from Lyon and Australia were there and my goodness, did we eat well.
While there was no daily exercise, I did have a good walk off the beaten track around the village and 
a stroll along the prom and a cup of tea overlooking the marina in Argelès with Nicole. Sadly not enough to make up for all those extra calories.

Les Inoxydables (resisting rust!), Michel’s much regretted, pop-rock group gave a free concert in the village hall. The last time they’d played was in 2016 and they’d reformed specially for this evening. Needless to say, the concert was well appreciated. An aperitif followed accompanied by much chat. The evening didn’t end there though. Seven of us accompanied JJ back to his to continue the evening with Michel fresh from his triumph and Kob being with us.
Apart from that, I continued with a daily Wordle, met Lisa weekly for English conversation, overdosed on online jigsaws, watched a load of tv, including Ken Loach's "The Old Oak" and attend the winter edition of the "literary café" organised by Jacques and Yaneth. As usual, I listened and was glad to recognise one of the books (Maya Angelou) that was presented. Well, I'm not that well versed in French literature!
29.2.2: Using the extra day well
Up at 5h, out for 6h, on the train for 7h and was on the ride side to get a view of the sunrise. Did an orange wordle. . . sat myself in the right seat but in the wrong compartment! Journey to Normandy was fine watching "Nordic Murders". Managed the transfer well enough once I'd found the right metro line going in the right direction. Valou at the station to meet me. What a difference from the P.O. Cloudy skies, waterlogged fields, leafless trees and rain on the way. Just like home, had a quiet night in.
Nature Notes:
25° max, 12° min. Mostly blue skies and sunshine, a few overcast days and only a brief smattering of rain.