those of you who've dipped in and out of Chitchat over the years know,
I'm often looking for a new, more interesting format and always saying
that I'm going to keep things up to date . . . and so 2025 starts with
no posts since July and another resolution to streamline Chitchat so
that I can keep on top of things; starting from now (19th Jan)!
Took my kettle along to the newly established monthly "Repair Shop" but there were no miracles . . . it was kaput! At least I can now dump it with a clear conscience.
walking up from the village, 10 of us (including 2 Germans, an
Austro/American and a Brit) saw the New Year in chez Linde until 3am.
No words necessary
fire in the centre of the village left a woman and her child and two
single women homeless. Needless to say, the Mairie found accommodation
for them and people rallied round with donations of clothes, bedding
goodly number of us trailed behind the young, knowledgable guide as he
put the turn of the 20th century photos displayed in situ, into context.
An apéritif followed and the crowd swelled! Sadly, a couple of days
later, the main display was minus two photos.
Later: cooked dinner for 5 of us.
the day when the Spanish give gifts and the day when the French eat a
galette des Rois. Find the ceramic token in your slice and get the
crown. This time it was JJ.
Mayor presented his New Year wishes; that's to say a round up of all
the wonderful things the Mairie had done last year and all the wonderful
things they'll be doing in the coming year. An apéritif followed with
numerous galettes to tickle the taste buds. Mine remained untickled!
neighbours came for a long awaited curry evening chez moi. Anna brought
dessert . . . a galette fait maison . . . a bit off piste but Geneviève
enjoyed being crowned.
of the twinning association which I left before they could bring out
the galettes; dinner at JJ's awaited me. There were 3 desserts and you'd
be right if you thought they were galettes; yes, all 3!
Took my kettle along to the newly established monthly "Repair Shop" but there were no miracles . . . it was kaput! At least I can now dump it with a clear conscience.
First meeting of the knitting group. So far 4 members; plenty of talking but only me knitting.
Geneviève and Nicole came round for tea and to watch the Netflix film "Emily Perez". Left us with plenty to talk about afterwards.
Dessert was a belated Xmas pud (M&S) with a rum butterscotch sauce (me).
Who knew I had a smattering of German, eh?
A light apéro before the dinner I'd prepared for Jacques. Well, I have to show willing from time to time. Even made Cream of Jerusalem Soup to start and tried a new chilli recipe. Enough of both left over to see me through the next couple of days.
This afternoon's walk out of the village, which was like the Camps Élysées, reminded me why I prefer the treadmill downstairs. While meeting people and chatting is pleasant, it does interrupt the rhythm and therefore the cardiac benefits. Think I'll need to alternate; fresh air and nature + audio Spanish lesson + interruptions with interior + next episode of the current subtitled series I'm watching and a better workout.
Out of bed early enough to see the sunrise on Canigou
Lunch at Martine's is always something to look forward to. First off, apéros on the terrace. Such a great cook (see the soufflé starter) and an attentive host. She always includes my favourite "Époisses" on the cheese board when I'm invited, keeps the bottles coming and puts on a good spread. The prunes preserved in Armagnac with the coffee were the finishing touch.
By which time the sun was setting and there was just enough light to set off on the much needed walk home.