Wednesday 18 December 1996


18th Dec:
Christmas came early to chez nous - Christian home from Myanmar/Burma - champagne and presents. Well, there were too many to carry all the way to carry to France to open on the 25th.

Gleaned from Travel Notes
Dinner B & B with ann and Noel and then off o Otley to stay overnight with Jen.
Early start for the Dover Ferry. Lunch on board of smoked salmon and venison. It was a long drve to Christophe and Valérie's where we were joind for dinner of guinea fowl by Guillhaume and Valerie.
apéro with Lydie and Bernard then lunch with the Malo family.
Another early start. Difficult navigating around Paris, fog, rain, sun, police again but this time no speeding fine as we're non-resident! A never-again motorway meal. Arrived chez Josette and Jacky for 7pm to collect the key for our new home, Gisèle and Philippe unbeknown to us, having gone away for Christmas.
Not an auspicious start. Very cold inside and out. No cooker, couldn't light the fire. Shopping in Spain and early to bed to keep warm. Not feeling too good.
Lunch and a walk in Collioure. Quiet night. Champagne and incomprehensible (for me), innane tv.
Lunch in Céret, visit to José and Michelle (Philippe's sister and her man) then on to Amélie. Everything closed. Spartan meal at "home" but feeling a bit better.
José, who's going to do the renovations to the house, came to have a look around. Dinner of fish, chez José
Earlyish start. It's still very cold. Snow en route to Avignon.Lunch with Stéphane, Magali and her parents. overnight in Macon. Good hotel with good food but the restaurant was deadly.
Onto Paris. Good lunch in Courtenay in family restaurant. Freezing cold and kept ourselves busy walking around Pantin before Frank arrived home. dinner at the 'Poule au Pot'. Huge portions and an interesting and characterful place.
Shopping in Calais for proposed New Year party in the Cotswolds. One ferry was off so we had a long wait. Blizzards on the way up from Dover. stayed in B and B in the village with Colin and Sheila.

Sunday 24 November 1996


1st Nov:
Ça y'est! La maison est notre et we celebrate in Ayr in one of our favourite places. (Christian being bi-lingual).  Fouters, where else? On the menu: Warm pigeon breast salad and a medely of fish - timeless as always.

3rd Nov:
Nothing in particular to celebrate apart from Colin and Sheila round to share a large chicken and catch up on the news.

10th Nov:
A lazy day in the warm after a very frosty start from Glasgow where we stayed over with Alan and Maureen. finished Christian's long "recouperation" the way it started ..... why not, we're out of red wine!

24th Nov:
Colin's birthday dinner after a trip to the hospice fair. Not so glamorous as his trip to Chapeltoun House with Sheila but the menu was original - even a pudding.

Friday 25 October 1996


5th Oct:
Dinner (skate wing and Mousse au Chocolat [a first]), bed and breakfast for Ann and Noel. A good ending to a week of minor catastrophies.

15th Oct:
On the road to Mandalay, well, Christian anyway. Promise of a good job - just the right excuse to indulge on a wet Tuesday evening in October.

18th Oct:
Plenty to celebrate:
  • Christian's job
  • Johnny's show in Brussels
  • The end of the week.
A good evning's conversation with MK and Johnny and food à la Nick Nairn (monkfish with redwine sauce, dauphinoise potatoes and a lethal tiramisu cheese cake)
19th Oct:
More to celebrate - Jen's "very good" Ofsted report and she arrived without any work to do. Not a book in sight!

20th Oct:
The works - doorman with umbrella, view from the dining room over the course to the sea, champagne to start and a delicious meal. Dinner at home afterwards was rather more simple! Will we make it back for the Millenium?

22nd Oct:
From Turnberry to the Chinese takeaway - such is life! Anyway, a delicious meal for 3 which was more than enough for 3 + 3 after a hard day's work for some and a hard day's shopping for others.
C'est la vie.

23rd Oct:
I could already have written a book on my own of the lovely times there have been here. However, this one was particularly good. It is to be noted - no school books in evidence - and what rewards! An other world experience at Turnberry; walking, talking, eating, drinking - it was all great. you must retire - there are so many nice things to do! Please put in the future B & B brochures -Burell collection closed on Tuesdays until further notice - however, Christian and I still found somewhere to eat. There is probably no need to warn future guests of Christian's violent tendancies and my bruises are starting to disappear. Perhaps they just need to run when he goes for the golf clubs! (Jen)
NB I thought I deserved a page all to myself after all my visits so I took on the challenge.

25th Oct::
Forgot again which is a pity as Bernadette would have been good for a "few" words in French!

Monday 30 September 1996


6th Sept:
Bucks Fizz and peaches for Christian's first breakfast on his return from his last trip to Abu Dhabi, followed inevitabily by lunch at Fouters.

14th Sept:
Soirée Espagnol. Tapas and sangria, paella. Christian's masterpiece from the kitchen, figs and stilton etc shared with Colin, Sheila, Julie, Morgan and baby Holly.

19th - 22nd Sept:
Bob and Chris stayed with us on their way up to Aberdeen. We had to leave them early to take care of themselves as we were due to head off to France.

Like the river of time which runs on relentlessly through life, may our friendship deepen in the years to come. A great stay, your hospitality was beyond criticism as always. Thank you, love, Bob and Chris

Gleaned from Our Travel Notes
B ad B with Mary in B'ham.

Crossed from Dover with Sea France and then a 3 hour drive to the "Cheval Blanc" (hotel of very fond memories) in Montmort.
Had an apéro in our room and then, as usual, an excellent meal
  • Kir
  • Foie Gras Salad
  • Duo de salmon and monkfish
  • Trou champenois
  • Coq au vin for me, steak for Christian
  • Passed on the cheese
  • Sorbet champenois

29th Sept:Sheila et Colin sont venus pour fêter avec nous notre 5ème anniversaire de mariage.

30th Sept:
Day off for Sept weekend. Premature celebration for family status in Burma .... we're still holding our breath.

Tuesday 24 September 1996

France Sept '96

Gleaned from Our Travel Notes
Shopping in Château Thierry. Crossing from Calais. Stayed over with Doreen before going on to Mum's and a trip to Benson's.
Lunch in Sezanne after a late start. Then it was off to Martin-Charlot to buy champagne where we were made very welcome with coffee and then, of course, a tasting. Stocked up, had a siesta in a nearby wood and then onto Coparax to meet up with François.
We were made very welcome by Josette for dinner. (an English teacher). A really lively evening with planters' punch, rum, wine and champagne.
Crossed from Dover with Sea France and then a 3 hour drive to the "Cheval Blanc" (hotel of very fond memories) in Montmort.
Had an apéro in our room and then, as usual, an excellent meal

  • Kir
  • Foie Gras Salad
  • Duo de salmon and monkfish
  • Trou champenois
  • Coq au vin for me, steak for Christian
  • Passed on the cheese
  • Sorbet champenois 

B and B with Mary in B'ham
Bob and Chris stayed with us on their way up to Aberdeen but we had to leave them early to take care of themselves as we were due to head off to France.

Sunday 25 August 1996


3rd Aug:
Once again forgot to ask our visitors to write in the book. Anyway, a Christian-cooked birthday meal (à la Delia) with Alan and Maureen was great.

4th Aug:
Champagne in the garden sunshine with Ann and Noel after an excellent meal at "Wildings" in Girvan is my kind of birthday present.

15th-19th Aug:
A weekend with Mary spent eating, drinking, talking and a little sunbathing. Colin and Sheila around for dinner.

23rd Aug:
A "train pals" night in the house. Chinese carryout, wine and plenty of chat.

25th Aug:
Surprise picnic by the Solway Firth à la Greque with Mary Kate and Johnny then home for supper and a bottle of wine.

Saturday 27 July 1996

France, here we come!

Just the two of us to celebrate the signing of the new house after a good lunch at Fouters - where else?

Sunday 14 July 1996

Vive la France!

Bastille Day '96 spent in the garden with Ann and Noël, Angus and Maureen, Mary Kate, Sheila and Colin, Julie, Morgan and wee Holly. Where will we be next year?

    • Yet another year and still dropping clangers - will I ever be allowed to live it down - Ann and her "twin" brother Angus!! Ooops, sorry - lots of entertainment from this one. At least they won't forget me!! Love, Sheila.
    • Had a lovely day. Thank you very much. Look forward to visiting you in France. Love, Maureen.
    • Espero que uno dia te visitará en Frances por la fiesta de Bastille. Hasta luego, Mary Kate
    • Had a great day with lots of good friends. Who knows where we will be next year and hope it will be celebrated together. we will certainly be in our thoughts. Ann

    Sunday 26 May 1996

    France, May '96

    Gleaned from Our Travel Notes: A House Hunting Trip
    Made a late start from work to drive down to Jean's new house in Bourneville.
    Afternoon crossing after a leisurely drive to Portsmouth where we also had lunch. Dinner with Valérie Christophe and new baby Léonie. It's cold.
    Said a quick "bonjour" to Gilbert at his shoe shop. Dinner with Valérie, Christophe, Valérie, Guilhaume, Pierrette and Alain.
    Left at 9h30 and made our way down to Montcuq where we arrived at 18h. Just say it out loud in a French accent and you'll/know why the French laugh about it. Overnight in the "Hôtel du Parc". http://www.hotel-
    Our first visit was to a "dream" house with a gîte but sadly, it was too isolated. Had lunch in Beauville and looked at two other houses in the afternoon being driven from place to place by the estate agent.
    Stayed overnight in Montreal du Gers at  "La Gare" with its restaurant/museum that even had railway sound effects in the dining room! We slept in what was the old toilet building!
    Looked at more houses but there wasn't anything that leapt up and said "buy me!" Had lunch in the "Trou Gascogne" and met up with June and the girls in Blagnac where the company is putting them up in a hotel until they find something more permanent. Wouldn't you know it, Bill was back in Scotland. Overnight stay in the Campanile.
    Moved onto St Antoine where we had an appointment with another estate agent. Overnight in Caylus.
    Being Ascension Day, today is a public holiday. Lunched in Villefranche after which we telephoned a former colleague of Christian's on the off chance  but he wasn't there. Went to look around Cordes -sur-Ciel which is a lovely medieval hilltop town with cobbled streets and lots of tourists. Another night in Caylus.
    Spent all day looking at houses though of course there was time for an obligatory break for lunch in St Antoine. Drew another blank and as it was too late to drive to Pilippe and Gisèle's, we overnighted in Monesties .
    Made an earlyish start for the Pyrénees Orientales, arriving at Philippe's for lunch. Dinner with the family and a cousin, Michel (a doctor) and his partner. Funnily enough, he's decided to buy Valérie's house that we looked at last year. Seriously, thinking of buying Philippe and Gisèle's house.
    Drove Philippe to the airport.
    Pizza lunch in town followed by shopping in Spain.
    Had photos developped speedily at the outrageous price of £15! Wine is cheap so I guess you win some and you lose some. Left after lunch to drive to Avignon, stopping for a cuppa with Aimée and the girls in Nîmes. Had a BBQ dinner at Stéphane's, once we'd done the shopping of course.
    Left at 9h30 and stopped for lunch in Tournus, a very pretty town. Dinner with Frank and Valérie (Laurence working late). Overnight in the Confornew. Very wet.
    Day spent lazing at Frank and Laurence's. Had paella lunch in a Moroccan restaurant across the road. We were invited to Vincent (colleague) and Maya's for an overnight in Reuill Malmaison  and it took us a long 2 hours to get there. GPS can't come soon enough! Also present were Jean-Marie (another colleague) and Odile.
    The three blokes played golf in the morning and golf in the afternoon with lunch in between. The weather was warm so I contented myself with just sitting and reading. 
    Did some last minute shopping for cheese and stayed overnight with Christophe and Valérie.
    8h30 crossing, light lunch on board in an effort to counteract the extra pounds around the waist. Visits to Jill and John, Hilda and Dad. 
    Saw Lena and Kate after church, then Chris and Rosemary. Left about 11am ith the car loaded with furniture and were home by 16h.
    Today is a public holiday and Mary Kate came down to share the booty from our boot.

    Monday 1 January 1996

    Chez Papa for Christmas

    Will we ever forget an afternoon at the pantomine where there were remarks from the stage about visitors from France and teaching young and old afterwards how to play "Tell Harry". How we rolled about laughing .... the auld alliance is alive and well.

    • Merci pour cet agréable séjour. nous avons pu aimer découvrir les fêtes de fin d'année en Écosse. Nous avons aussi été très heureux de rencontre des personnes très sympathiques. Merci pour tout, on reviendra ........! (Valérie)
    • Merci beaucoup à tous les deux, ainsi qu'à vos amis pour ces merveilleuses soirées que nous avons passées. Je vous fais 10,000 gros bisous. (Guillaume ,une des pièces rapportées)