Tuesday 24 September 1996

France Sept '96

Gleaned from Our Travel Notes
Shopping in Château Thierry. Crossing from Calais. Stayed over with Doreen before going on to Mum's and a trip to Benson's.
Lunch in Sezanne after a late start. Then it was off to Martin-Charlot to buy champagne where we were made very welcome with coffee and then, of course, a tasting. Stocked up, had a siesta in a nearby wood and then onto Coparax to meet up with François.
We were made very welcome by Josette for dinner. (an English teacher). A really lively evening with planters' punch, rum, wine and champagne.
Crossed from Dover with Sea France and then a 3 hour drive to the "Cheval Blanc" (hotel of very fond memories) in Montmort. http://www.hotelrestaurantlechevalblanc.com/restaurant.php
Had an apéro in our room and then, as usual, an excellent meal

  • Kir
  • Foie Gras Salad
  • Duo de salmon and monkfish
  • Trou champenois
  • Coq au vin for me, steak for Christian
  • Passed on the cheese
  • Sorbet champenois 

B and B with Mary in B'ham
Bob and Chris stayed with us on their way up to Aberdeen but we had to leave them early to take care of themselves as we were due to head off to France.

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