Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy New Year!

Today we're recovering from a révillon celebrated with friends. Foie gras, oysters, venison and other goodies were on the menu accompanied by wine from Jean-Jacques brother-in-law's vineyard and of course, a few bottles of champagne. 16 of us altogether (French, Catalan, Danish, American, Austrian, Scicilian/French, Pied Noir and British) and everyone took responsibility for some part of the meal. Hope to put on a photo tomorrow when Christian gets time to do the technical stuff. Last guests left at 4am. Hard work but a much better option than El Tap, our local bar. Wonder what the response will be to the smoking ban which thankfully comes in tomorrow. Not sure though, how it will work out, the French can be an anarchic lot! Still, that's tomorrow and I haven't finished with today yet.
Went up to Rowena's, an hour away, lost in the mountains, right on the Spanish border for lunch outside in the sun and a log sawing session. Such a capable woman, she put us both to shame in the wheelbarrow handling department. Then it was home to face the debris we didn't have time to deal with this morning and a quiet evening in front of the telly. Tomorrow there are tables to move, logs to stack and dinner for friends to prepare.......

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