Monday 1 September 2008

Mountain Tales

First Monday of the month and Christian and Michel were on duty up in the mountains so as usual Joëlle and I made our way up there for dinner. After a hard day's sivvying at home it was a treat to get out and be waited on. Before dinner however, we were "hijacked" by one of the residents for an apéritif who told the story (backed up by a magazine article) about buried Spanish gold that his family had searched for but never found. Apparently three strangers came to the village and claimed to have found it; These frontier villages abound with far-fetched stories which may or may not be true. Who knows? Dinner was as usual, duck breast with a Banyuls sauce for me while Christian went for steak. As usual we had the same table but for a change the photo is of the exterior where you can see with the difference of altitude that the leaves have started to fall.

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