Friday 23 October 2009

Tea for Two More

20th October:
Mum and Jill arrived at Girona airport at 10.45pm so it was straight to bed.
21st October:
Rain, rain and more heavy rain so we spent the day moaning front of the telly.
22nd October:
Weather better this morning which was just as well as we went to the market in Figueres. Don't really know why we bother but there's always the hope of finding a bargain. Went to the Romanesque restaurant at Vilatenim which had Mum and Jill astounded. Came home in cloudy weather to watch telly while Christian went to a meeting.

23rd October:
Christian away all day at a meeting in Marseilles about using bamboo in the treatment of sewage .. don't ask ... so we were left to our own devices. Walked down to the Auberge for Mum to look at the bric-a-brac and for us to have a drink in the welcome sunshine. we were joined on the walk by a stray dog which brought down the wrath of passing motorists upon us as they thought it was ours. After lunch we went for another walk up to the museum to have a look at the exhibition which consisted mostly of stones or pictures of stones.

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