Sunday 17 June 2012

Judgement Day

Another early start-Sunday, well, for Christian at least who was on duty again at the polling station in the mountains. I joined him for lunch and got a lift back down with some Norwegians from the village who were also in the restaurant.
The count in the village had finished with Alyagas, the socialist in the lead but where were Christian, Michel and the last ballot box? Christian had had a puncture caused by hitting a fallen rock on the road. Michel drove me about 5 miles to be reunited with Christian and we waited until 9pm for the breakdown service to come out. Luckily we were on one of the few straight stretches on what is a very narrow, windy road. The birds were singing, the scenery beautiful and the evenening sunlight golden; quite romantic really.
Sadly we missed out on the celebrations at Argelès, the fief of our new MP but Juste and Joséphine gave us a report when they stopped by afterwards for some supper and champagne.

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