Thursday 30 May 2013

Home Again

Tuesday Joséphine came with me to visit Christian with the idea of having a look at the shops  and a nice lunch first. Managed the lunch in the kind of wee restaurant that I like; creative food, well presented on stylish tableware, pleasant service in chic surroundings. Cherry on the cake was the very reasonable price, especially for Perpignan. The shops fell by the wayside, however, as we had public transport problems.
Wednesday, I took the bus again and arrived with my picnic lunch to see Christian just after 11am. My lunch was tons better than his which was boiled veg and grisely boiled beef! He also got told off by one of the nurses for taking a shower which meant that his dressing had to be redone. The Mayor and his wife popped in as did David and Laura who gave me a lift back in time for me to join "Les Anglaises" for our monthly apéritif.
Thursday, and Christian came home with instructions not to climb the stairs  to sleep in "The Nest" and not to make any unecessary effort. Here he is trying to sort out a computer problem but apart from that he took it easy, enjoyed a stir fry and glass of wine..

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous30 May, 2013

    Hi R&H - Great to hear you are home and doing well !! Rest up and recover fully. All good here still abit jet lagged , Russ was very pleased to see us and it looks like we have good weather like France! Happy to come over for your driving training any time !!
    Love K&K
