Sunday, 7 July 2019

Still Sizzling!

1.1.19 - 7.7.19:

It's still hot and I'm still avoiding anything energetic. My time has been spent watching tv (How to get away with murder) and more cookery book sorting. After years of collecting dust, so few were "must keeps" and such a small number of recipes (sometimes none) were worth scanning and keeping.
Things have gone wrong too. A leak from the tap on the side of the loo, (sorted!) malfunctioning heater control (yet to be done) and 120€ accumulated on my pay as you go phone card, lost. Here, you need to use it or lose it unless you renew before the 2 month expiry date. (Grinning and bearing it!)
Venturing into the ouside world, there was a quick trip to the market, going for a cuppa sometimes meeting friends, sometimes on my own. Had some restaurant lunches firstly with with the language exchangers, then with Lynne in Spain when we went to buy cava coming home via the Col de Banyuls and finally with Nicole at the bar. Was also invited with Harry and Sue to Angela and Paul's in Palalda and with Sophie, Martine and Martin to Joan and Thérèse's where paella was on the menu.
Other than eating and drinking, there was a jazz evening at the bar and on a more serious side, a trip to the clinc to catch Rowena when she was down from her mountain retreat for an out patient's appointment after a fall.
Click the link for the story so far in photos:
32° - 35° with rain (not enough) and thunder on Sunday, 7th

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