Thursday, 10 September 2020

The Cost of a Glass of Rosé!

3rd  - 10th September 2020

Well, what a difference an email makes! One from Roger popped into my inbox informing me that the previous Saturday he and his son had been in contact with someone whose girlfriend had tested positive near Barcelona, where there are a number of Covid hotspots, . They'd also made several other stops in the area. If you've read the last post, you'll know that I had spent time with him and his son at the bar the other night. Dilemma .... what to do? Although the risk was probably minimal, I decided to take a test  and confine myself to barracks just in case. Wasn't worried overly but felt that I should be responsible viz-à-vis others. I got the impression though that most people thought I was a bit OTT. 

There was enough food in the house to see me through so there was no need to take up any of the offers of shopping that came my way. Time passed without any difficulty; did some of those domestic chores that have been in abeyance since I don't know when, read the papers and even cooked myself some food. Surprisingly, I did less tv watching and more listening to music, both cds and vinyl. Also took care to keep up my pre breakfast hour on the treadmill and to eat my meals on the terrace while reading "Killing Eve" to get a good dose of vitamin D from the sunshine. Had regular calls from friends to see that I was ok which gave me another human being to talk to. One from Maggie was to tell me that she'd just received the card I'd sent from UK postmarked 4th April!
Of course there were things that I missed out on; an appointment with the opthomologist, a concert at the bar, the Saturday market, Sunday morning coffee, a trip to the coast with Jean and Françoise, lunch at Lone's and helping out at a Cancer Support day. 
France doesn't claim to have a world beating testing service but I was able to have a test just 3 miles from here as soon as the 7 day wait was up. It was quick; didn't hurt, just a bit uncomfortable. Results were available online within 24 hours a    nd expected, was negative. In all honesty, the week's wait for the test was no hardship at all and I didn't even succumb to opening a bottle of cava or bar of chocolate!
Weather: Hot and sunny, 28° - 30° until Tuesday, 7th when it rained all day and for
the next morning made temperatures drop to 24°.

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