Saturday 31 December 2022

Christmas 2022



 May it be a peaceful and joyful time where ever you are! Love, Rx

Entertained Jacques and Lisa C and their Colombian visitors to lunchtime aperitifs. Beatrice, Nelson and Sarah. 

Yes, Nelson and yes, he was named after Horatio! Apparently, the upper classes there, give their children English names! Nice people; Beatrice is a stay at home Mum, Nelson is Professor of Forensic Medicine and Sarah is at school.

Wandered over to Ann and Terry’s for 14h30. Terry still not ready Ann counting to 10. Still, when he finally appeared, we ate drank and were merry! Had hardly had time to digest the venison with loads of veg and roasties, when supper of cold turkey appeared! Couldn’t even walk it off as Ann insisted on driving me home.

Weather: 18°, sunny



Delivery advice said 6am – 8pm so I rose at 6 o’clock even though I knew in my heart, they wouldn’t arrive at that time. And neither they did. 4.20pm the stove top fan and electricity usage plug arrived. Yes, I finally made up my mind but the fan is for a wood burner rather than pellet burner and the instructions for the plug are in French that I can’t understand. However, had success with cooking my turkey joint in Mme Ninja.

Weather: 16°, sunny


Walk with Françoise around Port Vendres; blue sky, crystal clear sea even some irises filled the eyes with pleasure . A picnic overlooking the sea did likewise for the stomach. Legs, however, knew that I hadn't been on the treadmill for a while. Apéro chez Jean and Françoise. Went on the bus; came back with J & F rather than have a lift with Jacques on his motorbike!

Weather: 17°, sunny


The proposed trip down Barcelona way to see Lisa at speed rollerblading practice needed a rethink half way there. 

The session had been cancelled at the last moment. Decided to stop off in Girona for a bit of late afternoon sightseeing and a hot chocolate.

Made a short detour on the way back to find something to eat at the Café Concordia in Agullana, a multi-generational facility where there was a warm welcome and cheap and cheerful food. We won't mention the calories though! Oh yes, and the parcel that should have come tomorrow, arrived today! 

Weather: 13° and cloudy here, 18° and sunny in Girona. 


R.A.S (rien à signaler) during the last few days of the year. Roll on 2023!


Friday 23 December 2022

A Low Key but fairly busy run up to the Festive Season

December 2022

I'm finally getting around to filling in the gap for this month on Chitchat on 4th May 2023. It will be an abridged version without any of the trivia of day to day life and only the rare anecdotes. Take it as read that there were rendez-vous at the café, meals with friends at theirs, at mine and at restaurants. There was also weekly  English conversation with Lisa. Sorry, can't resist this anecdote . . . I finally managed to bring Lisa, who is Japanese and Daniel who is American/Japanese together. What are the chances of two such people living in a small village at the tail end of France? It was a real pleasure to see them talking ninety to the dozen. 

The most importnat event on the village calendar in December is the annual Téléthon fund raiser for research into rare genetic diseases. By not involving myself this year in the Association's 2nd hand gift and accessories stall, I couldn't say "no" to helping with the "British" tearoom. My stint making tea came towards the end of the afternoon so the only thing I could do was to stay and help clear up; amazing how folk just melt away.

No chance to lie long the next day to rest my weary bones as Jean & Françoise were offering Linde & I a run down to Port Vendres to see the replica of the Nao Victoria, the Spanish galleon that in 1519 was the first to sail around the world. Interesting. Coffee in the sun with Jean & Françoise's daughter, Lucille and family and a wine tasting in the wine vaults next door.

A day out in Perpignan with Nicole, taking the early (well, 9am) bus. Stopped for a coffee at Café Catalogne, had lunch at Le Devil, menu up by 3€ and not as good, tea later in a very pleasant tearoom that was as good as the last time that we went. Not very Christmassy looking, is it?

Sorry, I feel another anecdote coming on again but it does show how molehills become mountains when you're on you're own. 😟 The electricity went off in the living area of the house and despite looking at the fuse box, I couldn’t see anything that had tripped. Faffed around for ages and finally went to bed but was so anxious about an electrical fault fire breaking out that I went back down and slept on the settee! JJ, who’d obviously been to spec savers found that indeed the switch had tripped, so with the push of a button all was restored. What a dummy, am I? I should have climbed onto a stool for a closer look. You live and learn.

By mid month the village was acknowledging that the festive season was on it's way. The Christmas market was well attended both by visitors and stallholders, the Seniors' Christmas box was being distributed, decorations were going up and Kevin organised music and a "Secret Santa" at the bar. Funny to think that the first Xmas market in the village was organised by Flo (who has long since left) and myself in 2007.

On a smaller scale, a bunch of us neighbours met up for a festive apéro on the square.

Thank goodness Françoise winkled me out for a walk up from the village. Canigou was as majestic as ever.

The last few days were busier. An apéro chez moi for Nicole and Mathilde, an very long lunch chez Jacques, carols at Chris and Jo's with a predominately Anglophone crowd and a pot luck apéro. .Sadly the mulled wine ran out; just what you don't want on a chilly evening outdoors. At least I went, which means I can body swerve the event for the next few years. 

The shortest night came a day early chez moi! Mark, Rachel and their friend Debbie came for dinner which was an hilarious affair. By the time we got to liquers, I was passed serving so as they were all on something different, each had their own bottle to hand. Finally made it to bed at 4h10 after putting the well dented bottles back in the cupboard. Yawn, yawn! 😴

Last but not least, Linde's daughter Eve, her husband Geoff, their two sons and some friends over from the States gave a short concert outside the bar. Flute, ukelele, keyboard, guitar and very funny songs written by Geoff with nary a word about Christmas.

The only thing left to do was scatter a few cards (fewer every year) and decs (no tree) around , pour a glass of wine (large) and watch Mary Berry with her hand up a turkey's bum! (Not much help when you're eating venison!)

Weather: A few cold days when temperatures went down to8° but it was dry and sunny, rising to 20° on 23rd. Fabulous sunsets along the way. 

Wednesday 30 November 2022

The Family Left as November Arrived

 November 2022

I'll start by saying thanks to Sheila for her comment last month about "Chitchat." Spent a bit of time, trying to work out how to reply . . . yes, it's been that long that I'd forgotten how to do it; well that and the excitement that someone had  actually made a comment.

This month was more liberally sprinkled with meals out than usual; in Céret at Jean & Françoise's and at Michel & Christiane's. JJ was chauffer, picking up Jean & Françoise en route. The evening was fun and instructive. Art, maths, politics + and I was winkled out of my comfort zone by Michel who wants me to take up drawing and painting. Much to my surprise I sketched a coffee cup and saucer which was actually recognisable. Even Françoise said it was good and better than she thought it would be! Umh, a compliment? But as usual, the most part were chez Jacques. The Mexican meal was particularly hilarious . . .

Eric brought a superb fruit tart, Flor and Babette dressed up on a S. American theme and Anita was Anita. We ate well, drank plenty (kicked off with Margarita's and finished with champagne) and laughed a lot! 

Americans opened their doors to me as well. There was a "we've - all - but - sold - our - house dinner at James and Beverley's along with Roger & Don. I 'm curious as to why we're always invited at the same time as I don't hang out with them otherwise. A Thansgiving meal at Daniel (cook) and Jeanne's (games organiser). The turkey was tasty and the games were fun. A round robin of stating what we were thankful for came more easily to some than to others.

Two days later I knew how the Thanksgiving turkey felt. Dinner at Martine and Robert's was a copious affair; Martine is not a woman who will take "no" for an answer; neither in English nor in French.  

Not to be left out, there was an English lunch at Ann & Terry's. 

And did anyone cross my threshold to be entertained? Yes, they did. There was a lunch for Jacques, dinner for Mark, JJ, Jacques and Lizzie (Nick was sick), tea and a showing of the film "The Duke" for Ann and Terry and tea for Nicole.

Restaurant meals included lunch at "Le Devil" with Nicole in Perpignan, lunch at the café with Yaneth (no comparison) and lunch at the "Bigotti" with James and Beverly.

It was lovely sitting in the sun, listening to the buskers playing jazz enjoying the food, talking and laughing. Only little niggle was the uptight, unsmiling woman server who didn't get a tip. Spent the afternoon on the terrace reading the papers. No need to say how I spent the evening but suffice it to say, it included Enola Holmes (2). A good old "feel good" romp. And to think I could have gone to a no fireworks, no bonfire, bring your own food, almost expat full house at Roger's!

Didn't body swerve Kevin's surprise 70th though but there again it was a good French/other nationalities mix and he does give a lot to the village with his music. It was lovely to see how touched he was by this show of affection and to watch him perform with his wee girl who obviously adores him.

Maybe now's the time to talk about exercise. I actually did several sessions on the treadmill and had a long walk with Françoise, Véro and Justine. 

We were out for 3h30, going up 500m/1,600 feet. Making a detour to see the remnants of talc mining. The route to the dolmen, dating from  sometime around 3,000 BC was longer and more wearisome than expected. Still, there were some great views and the weather was warm. 

A morning down in Argelès with Jean & Françoise provided a more leisurely affair; a stroll along the prom and a coffee overlooking the marina in the sunshine entailed no effort at all.

Village life ticks over but sadly the Saturday market that flourished during covid has all but disappeared; only one stall remains. The terrace of the café though has retained it's clientelle. Being the run up to the the Téléthon at the begginning of next month, raffle tickets were being sold, oriental pastries and mint tea were offered for a derisory sum and orders taken for wild boar stew. The other fundraising event was a karaoke for which I baked a cake and lent a hand to cut up and portion out sweet and savoury offerings that would be on sale. To my relief I didn't feel obliged to stay as another dinner out called.

There were two public holidays this month; 1st (Touissant when families visit the graves of their loved ones, traditionally with pots of chrysanthemums) and 11th (Armistice) complete with a parade, speeches, wreath laying and an apéro. 

The anniversary of the beheading by a young islamist, of Samuel Paty a secondary school teacher, was marked here with the inauguration of a small square through which the primary school children pass to go to the canteen. It will also be the site of the village library when the renovations to the earmarked building are done.

 You might be asking if there has also been anything on the cultural side of life . Yes, there was a vernissage at the beginning of the month, the last until February.

There were three life sized sculptures of women, whimsily clad and with animal heads (pig, dog and a cat) by Christophe and paintings, by Yannick Raffaelle, which unlike the sculptures, were very appealing.

The turnout was abysmal (still half term, dark nights, cold, windy weather?) but the artists took it in their stride. To add insult to injury, the artists had laid on a generous apéritif. 

Moving up several notches, Anita shared her knowledge of the Art World while guiding Jacques and I around the  around this year's summer exhibition in Céret. Chagall, Modigliani, Soutine and Friends. Many of Eastern European origin, their style became known as "the School of Paris" in the first half of the 20th century. I particularly like this one "Parisian with a Fan" by Henri Hayden (Polish) dated 1912.

Only one musical outing and that was "Music at Sunset" organised at treh bar every first Monday of the month by Kevin.

Have continued my mental gymnastics with a daily Wordle, a quick code cracker, crossword, wordsearch and now an online jigsaw. Duolingo Spanish takes a bit more time as there are the ads to sit through.

Once a week, I'm now meeting Lisa, a Japanese woman married to a Frenchman, for some English conversation. She's an absolute delight and makes a good change for me 

Thank goodness nothing has gone wrong in the house, the chimney has had its yearly sweep and I've taken steps towards a "let’s make cooking less onerous and economise electricity" project. My decision to buy a multicooker was confirmed when the in store price was 20€ less than the online price which already 70€ off. Brought my new Ninja home; all 11.5kg of it. Have to admit that like many new babies, it's pretty ugly! Unpacked it and skim read the documentation. Was just like reading the dos and don'ts that come with medication. Hope to goodness I'll be able to get my head around it. I'm getting cold feet already and wondering if it's going to solve my culinary shortcomings.

The weather has apart from one day been dry. Started with 23° but at the end of the month it was only 14° though with the prospect of higher temperatures to come. Skies have been mostly blue; this one was not typical but interesting.

And the best news is that I've kept free of bugs even though there is more covid around and flu hasn't yet to arrive here.