Saturday 31 December 2022

Christmas 2022



 May it be a peaceful and joyful time where ever you are! Love, Rx

Entertained Jacques and Lisa C and their Colombian visitors to lunchtime aperitifs. Beatrice, Nelson and Sarah. 

Yes, Nelson and yes, he was named after Horatio! Apparently, the upper classes there, give their children English names! Nice people; Beatrice is a stay at home Mum, Nelson is Professor of Forensic Medicine and Sarah is at school.

Wandered over to Ann and Terry’s for 14h30. Terry still not ready Ann counting to 10. Still, when he finally appeared, we ate drank and were merry! Had hardly had time to digest the venison with loads of veg and roasties, when supper of cold turkey appeared! Couldn’t even walk it off as Ann insisted on driving me home.

Weather: 18°, sunny



Delivery advice said 6am – 8pm so I rose at 6 o’clock even though I knew in my heart, they wouldn’t arrive at that time. And neither they did. 4.20pm the stove top fan and electricity usage plug arrived. Yes, I finally made up my mind but the fan is for a wood burner rather than pellet burner and the instructions for the plug are in French that I can’t understand. However, had success with cooking my turkey joint in Mme Ninja.

Weather: 16°, sunny


Walk with Françoise around Port Vendres; blue sky, crystal clear sea even some irises filled the eyes with pleasure . A picnic overlooking the sea did likewise for the stomach. Legs, however, knew that I hadn't been on the treadmill for a while. Apéro chez Jean and Françoise. Went on the bus; came back with J & F rather than have a lift with Jacques on his motorbike!

Weather: 17°, sunny


The proposed trip down Barcelona way to see Lisa at speed rollerblading practice needed a rethink half way there. 

The session had been cancelled at the last moment. Decided to stop off in Girona for a bit of late afternoon sightseeing and a hot chocolate.

Made a short detour on the way back to find something to eat at the Café Concordia in Agullana, a multi-generational facility where there was a warm welcome and cheap and cheerful food. We won't mention the calories though! Oh yes, and the parcel that should have come tomorrow, arrived today! 

Weather: 13° and cloudy here, 18° and sunny in Girona. 


R.A.S (rien à signaler) during the last few days of the year. Roll on 2023!


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