Tuesday 31 May 2022

La Belle Écosse 17th - 31st May


Left for the station with JJ on the bus. It was a little late arriving but we were still on time for our train to Cacassonne. 20+ minute hold up along the the way but still had time to eat our picnic in the very warm sunshine on the bank of the canal and have a coffee before the navette to the airport. Only small, we breezed through the check in. 

Even though the plane was more than 25 minutes late taking off, we arrived
to a cloudy, chilly but dry Edinburgh airport only 5 minutes late. Baggage reclaim was quick but my case had obviously fallen off the truck somewhere along the line as it was damaged but didn't notice until I got to David and Laura's. David picked us up for the hour's drive to their house where a warm welcome, an apéritif and dinner awaited us. Just as well, heavy rain and strong wind battered the night away.

Weather: 26°, sunny at hom; 12°, wet and windy in Scotland.


Awoke and was up before 8am; my body obviously being on French time. A leisurely breakfast and drive along Loch Earn to Killin, stopping to look at the falls (in drizzle) and to have a coffee. Soon after the rain left off.

Stopped at Fortingall to see the oldest tree in Britain estimated to be between 2-3, 000 old. Also found written examples (the inn and on paving stones) of the homophone yew, you and ewe! Drove on to Aberfeldy where we had lunch at "The Mill'. 

Continued our drive with a couple of photo stops, to Crieff and back to the village. Laura and I walked back while the guys drove. Easy going evening doing a quiz, reading, planning tomorrow and having an apéro and dinner.

Weather: 17° cloudy, breezy


Getting up for 8am wasn't difficult as it’s light well before 5 o'clock. A quick breakfast and off to Oban finding sunshine on the way. Coffee first, a wander, watched the ferries coming in and bought postcards. Went to Poppies Garden Centre beside the marina on Loch Etive for a seafood platter lunch. Looked around the shop and came away with a good waterproof. Not sure I'll get much wear out of it but I liked it and need to let my impulsive child out from time to time!

From there it was off to the Ardchattan 13th century priory ruins and home through Glencoe. Drew breath, had a quick cuppa before Gordon (McCloud) arrived. Laura headed off to see her grandson in a play and for us there was time for a quick glass of cava 


then it was off to hear the Pipe Band practice. Some new members but several who came to the village were present and spoke about coming again. A curry dinner, interesting conversation and lots of laughs.

Weather: 18°, sunshine and cloud


Took the train into Edinburgh. Visited Princes Street, Rose Street, Royal Mile with a lengthy lunch stop at the old "World's End" pub. JJ thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere though not the £6 price tag on a glass of wine! Dinner back at David & Laura's included cousins Rob and Jean so a lot of catching up was done.

Weather: Some sunshine but chilly


A day with a lot of driving. House of Bruar (didn't buy anything), a walk to the falls, a soup sized lunch, a drive passed Blair Atholl Castle, 

Killiecrankie and the Soldier's Leap, 

Queen's View and Pitlochry. Had an early and tasty dinner there in "Victoria's" an Italian restaurant before going to see " Sunshine on Leith" at the theatre. Was really well done and has inspired me to look for the film version.

Weather: Sunshine & showers


Another day out driving around from Lochearnhead. Had lunch in funny sort of retro café. More soup! Ended up at 13th century Doune Castle, later rebuilt in its present form at end 14th century. (was closed up for renovations).  Was used in the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail and served as Castle Leoch in “Outlander”. Contented ourselves with a walk along the river in the sunshine and surprise, up popped "La Loutre"!

Dinner at Jane (Laura's sister) and Phil's.

Weather: Sunshine and cloud


David & Laura kindly drove us through to Glasgow via M&S at Braehead. Supersize that it is, I didn't find what I wanted and the clothes didn't leap out saying "buy me". June met us in John Lewis for the drive down to Lanark where she put us in her Airbnb cottage. 

Had a quick lunch and then a walk down to New Lanark, the UNESCO site of Robert Owen's mill. Drinks and dinner with a friend of theirs at the house.

Weather: Sunhine and showers, some heavy


Visited New Lanark this morning and had a good walk up to the falls. Caught up with Willie and went for a late lunch at the "Inn in the Loch". 

 Heavy rain while we were in there resulted in the car sitting in a puddle!

Weather: Sunshine and heavy showers


A wet morning for our drive over to Alloway with Noel who left us there for our rdv with Colin and Sheila at the Burns' Visitors Centre. We had time beforehand to go around the cottage, the Monument and onto the bridge. 

Had lunch at the Centre with Colin and Sheila then spent a bit if time exploring the Auld Kirk and the museum. From here we moved on to Troon going via Dundonald so as to have a better view of the coast.  After a blowy, at times drizzly walk around, we stopped off at the "Lido" for tea and calorie laden cake. Finally made it to Mauchline for an apéritif dinatoire all together eventually making it to the B & B trying not to disturb the other guests.

Weather: Sunshine and showers


A full Scottish breakfast was a new experience for JJ. He even had some black pudding. Around at Ann & Noel's we chatted for a while before heading down the coast with better views today of Ailsa Craig, to Ballantrae via Maidens where JJ took a photo of Trump Towers and Girvan where JJ and I had a brisk, windy walk along the prom. Had a soup lunch at the garden centre in Ballantrae and on the way back tried out the Electric Brae. Home fof just a short time and then headed off to the Black Bull in Tarbolton for dinner with Angus & Maureen. 

Ended the evening back to theirs for a nightcap.

Weather: Cool, showery and windy

27.5.22: Glasgow Dernière Étape 

Noel donned his chauffeur's hat once again and this time took us up to
Suzanne's, stopping off at the curling stone works. The stones are made from granite coming from Ailsa Craig and the village produces 38 handmade stones a week which are the only ones that are used in Olympic competitions. 

 After a coffee chez Suzanne and Noel's departure, the three of us went off on foot to the Botanic Gardens. Looked in at the Oran Mor, a church converted into a bar, serving up music and theatre as well as food and drink. 

Suzanne left us here and we walked down Ashton Lane and Byres Rd ending up in the Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery. JJ took himself off around the exhibits while I met up with Anne and Blair in the tearoom, who gave us a lift back. Suzanne was watching the tennis only tearing herself away when she needed to put the finishing touches to tonight's dinner. Liz duly arrived on time though without Eamon, who was suffering after a cataract operation. Was a good night even so and I will be seeing them here in the Autumn. 

Weather: Sunny spells


A sunny day for our walking tour of Glasgow with Andy and Maureen. Passionaria, monument to the Civil War blockade runners,

People's Palace (2nd floor out if bounds) and a soup lunch then up to 


 Cathederal Square where there was a flash wedding going on. Rounded off the day with a couple of drinks at the outdoor Festival Village Beer Garden. Andy had told JJ that people in Glasgow were friendly and lo and behold he was proved right when we got into conversation with a group of lively young people at next door table. Caught the train back from Central Station. Quiet evening watching Roland Garos on the tv.

Weather: Sunny



Another sunny day for our trip through Arracher, up the Rest and be Thankful and along Loch Long and Loch Fyne to Inverary. 

Had a pleasant walk around and up to the  castle. 
Lunch cooked by a French chef, at the George Hotel and a quick whizz around Crarae Gardens (NT) before it closed.

Weather: Sunny

30. 5.22:

Gave the trip to Jupiter (Sculpture) Park a miss due to last night's and this morning's gastro episodes. Slept and read until late afternoon taking it very easy on the food and drink front.

Weather: Dull, drizzly and cool


31.5.22: Home Sweet Home Again

Spent the day travelling back from Edinburgh airport. Suzanne got us there with more than the 3 hours that Ryanair had suggested for check-in. Luckily we didn't experience the horrendous hold ups due to lack of staff that are happening elsewhere. Took the shuttle bus to Carcassonne railway station, then the train to Perpignan where Martine picked us up to go to Jacques' for dinner.

Weather: Cloudy and cool in E'burgh, sunny and warm at home

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