Sunday, 18 May 2008

Open Doors

This weekend, throughout the Department, local artists opened their doors to the public. Two did so in the commune, although there are a lot more artists than that. Went to one in the morning with Michel whose brief within the Mairie is culture. We'd thought about having a picnic up in the other village where the second one was but the threatening weather put us off.Instead we pooled picnics with Joëlle and Michel on their terrace.

The second artist, who is also a writer, had a wide range of styles and spoke movingly about her cancer which inevitably influenced her work. Back to the village where we called in on Jacques and Yaneth with a wee birthday gift for Lisa. At last the electricity is on in their house and they're getting installed. A coffee and the Colombian equivalent of a Tia Maria later we were invited next door to Michel and Joëlle's to finish off the picnic and watch Charlotte Rampling in a film called "The Swimming Pool". Not as odd as a lot of French films but it left you searching for answers all the same.

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