Friday, 15 August 2008

Festa Mayor

Today is a public holiday and the annual festival up in our sister village. For the energetic early birds (such as Frank, Elsa and Leo)there is a walk up there through the woods with questions to answer along the way. The less energetic of us drive up in time for the prize giving and an apéritif. First of all, however, there was the inauguration of a recently renovated bridge which had been covered by undergrowth and long since forgotten.The bridge stands on an ancient mule track and pilgrim path that goes up to the parish church. No doubt the bridge fell into disuse with the building of the road and there's great debate as to the date of it's construction. The cutting of the ribbon was followd by an apéritif (of course)and then it was off to lunch of paella. The chef is 82 years old and the paella served 250. Kinda puts my cuilinary efforts into perspective!In the afternoon there was a boules competion and in the evening a disco which we gave a miss as we were invited to dinner at Joëlle and Michel's along with Robert and Martine to meet up with Philippe and Corinne who are down from Amiens.

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