Sunday 29 November 2009

All in a Good Cause

Up early, not to go to Mass but to set up our plant cuttings stall in the hope of catching folk as they come out of Mass. Made about 62€ for the Téléthon but there are still two more opportunities to bump that up. Joséphine stayed on for lunch and then we went to a nearby Christmas market organised by a group of British small business. Our reason for going was that they were donating some of the proceeds to a Cancer support group of which a friend of ours is the co-ordinator in this Departement.

Saturday 28 November 2009

Nose, Snout and Tail

Quick turn around the market and chocolat chaud before rushing back to the village for an Ollada. you'll have read about this before as it's not the first that we've been too but if you've forgotten, it's a traditional Catalan dish which uses all the bits of a pig you wouldn't normally dream of using. The meal was in aid of the Téléthon and with 150 people there it netted a goodly sum. After so much excitement (!) this week we were quite happy to spend the evening together in front of the telly.

Friday 27 November 2009

Plat du Jour

At last there some sign of a photo being taken for the competition that the association is organising for International Women's Day next March. This one is for a montage of women from the Association who are clients of the bar. As the morning had been taken up, there was nowt to eat so it was off to the Auberge for the plat du jour. Christian can't moan at me for never being home as he had an meeting in the evening so I reckon we're quits.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Cider with Joséphine

A lovely sunny day and we're still able to eat our tapas outside after the language exchange. It was such a lovely day that we lingered long after the tapas and wine were finished. In the evening we were invited to Juste and Joséphine's for une soirée crêpes which are traditionally accompanied by cider. Daniel, who leaves tomorrow was there along with Kathy, Michel and Joëlle. we can only feel sorry for him as he returns to the very wet and windy north of France.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Saving Lives

The Président of the Department honoured the commune with his presence all morning. He inaugurated a defibrillater in each of the villages and made some very long speeches which weren't just about heart attacks. Well, there are regional elections coming up soon. A photo opportunity, a quick glass of orange juice and hand shaking at every turn before he was whisked off to the next meeting. As calm returned we able to enjoy our apéritif in the knowledge that if a heart attack strikes, there's a machine on hand to keep you going until help arrives.

Reading Chocolate

Dinner at the Kluskas with Kathy and cousin Daniel who was there for a few days holiday. Joëlle made a great chocolate mousse (eat your heart out, Alain!) and we had fun psychoanalysing the pattern left on each plate. When it comes to a toss up between tea leaves and chocolate smears, I'm for chocolate every time!

Monday 23 November 2009

A Grand Day Out

30 of us assembled down at the recreation ground for a day out with the Association up in our sister village. A visit to an artist's studio, a short stroll to a monument to the prominent republicans who fled Franco, an apéritif chez Annette, lunch in the restaurant and a visit to where prize-winning goats' cheese is made. It was a really good day which inevitably ran a bit behind schedule but what was even better we didn't hear one complaint!

Saturday 21 November 2009

Down with Sausage?

For once Christian missed the market as he had a meeting to go to so instead I went with Maggie. However, he did make it for lunch at Françoise and Jean's where his favourite meal of "lentilles, saucisse" was on the menu. When I told Joséphine later she wanted to know why I didn't like sausage as with my accent she'd her "anti saucisse"! Didn't linger too long as Christian had to go to another meeting at the Mairie ... and I think that I need to cut back on what I'm doing.

Friday 20 November 2009

Le Beaujolais Arrive!

Took the road heading into Catalunya Sud for a day out with Juste and Joséphine who were about to experience the delights of the wine cellars at Capmany and lunch at La Plaça in Garriguella. They were just as delighted with the trip as other friends that we've taken there. Came home on the back road to Can nadal where this photo was taken in time to go to the local bar where a tasting of the new beaujolais was going on. This year's seemed to be better than usual but at 15€ a bottle , it jolly well should be!

Thursday 19 November 2009


Oh la la! Thierry Henri didn't do much for the image of France with his handling of the ball in the match against Ireland. Our Irish friend Trevor says it will be real hard to know who to support if England and France meet in the World Cup.
On a more serious note while the the Mayors' National Congress was taking place in Paris, Sarko was too busy to attend as he was off in the Middle East on a semi-private visit .. what ever that is. What makes this more worrying is that Sarko is going to stop the "taxe professionelle" which normally goes to the communes and will replace it by a carbon tax. Budgets will surely be badly hit and what was he doing instead of discussing it with the people affected? He was on a bling trip!

Wednesday 18 November 2009

So Long Linde

Time for Linde to go home to the States for Thanksgiving and Christmas so we organised a farewell apéritif dinatoire chez nous for her along with the ex "garden girls" and their partners.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Marché au Gras

15th - 16th November:
The association organised a trip to the Marché au Gras in Samatan, well know for the sale of ducks, geese and foie gras. Sorry if you're anti but it's all part of the landscape in France. 22 of us set off and our first stop was for a coffee overlooking Carcassone; then it was on to Toulouse and lunch in the "Galileo" which the owner opened up especially for us. Coffee , wine, 3 courses , all for 12€ a head; can't complain at that. from here the group split into 2 with some going to visit the city of Auch and the rest an armagnac distillery. Take an educated guess which we opted for! The visit was really interesting as they were distilling that day. It's just a shame it was too dark for a decent photo. Parted with a few €s before leaving for our accomodation.
Situated around a lake this small holiday village was a great deal. Evening meal followed by a dance until 10.30pm (well, the clientelle was a bit on the aged side!), self contained accomodation, breakfast and lunch the following day. Christian hit lucky as he got to sleep with 3 women. We should have gone to an overflow hotel down the road but as Kathy and Joséphine had 2 spare beds, we bunked in with them.
The market was something else. The doors opened to the sound of a whistle and then it was everyone for themselves. After about an hour the counters looked as if they'd been hit by a plague of locusts.
Shopping done we had a look around the weekly market and basked in the warm sunshine with an apéritif. The run home went without hold up or mishap which was just as well as we were invited to Linde's for an apéritif along with Jean and Françoise.

Saturday 14 November 2009

It's not Unusual

A sunny day and our usual trip to the market ended with our usual trip to the café for an apéro where we were invited to join the mayor. Not that I'm name dropping or anything!

Friday 13 November 2009

Lucky White Heather

Friday 13th, and glad to say that all went well. Made a second Christmas cake this one for the Téléthon (Children in Need). It was so good to have some time at home.

Thursday 12 November 2009

Let's Celebrate!

Christian's saint's day so it was a good excuse to celebrate. Juste and Joséphine came around and we demolished several bottles of cava. If you're wondering about St christian, have a look at last year's post that tells all. The photo is just to show that we're not always making merry; just 24 hours before, Christian was behind the broom helping to clean up the hall. C'est la vie!

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Flame of Hope

A public holiday in France to mark the Armistice and another two ceremonies. A "flame of hope" was placed by the school children around the war memorial, one for each villager who died in the 1914-18 war. Thought this photo would be a change from the usual which you've seen lots of times before. If you're wondering what a 'poilu" is, it's the name for the poor sods in the trenches and literally means hairy.
The formalities were terminated with a meal in the hall with the old soldiers. In the evening we ended up at Juste and Joséphine's for soup laced with a lot of chat!

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Back around the Table

No sooner home than it was time to pick up the threads of our social life with dinner at Bernard and Françoise's, the Belgian couple who are part timers here. A lovely meal, wine from a very classy celler and with Simone and Francis there as well it meant that we were well entertained. They're off back to Brussels tomorrow so it will be a while before we see them again.

Back in Harness!

Well, what a long time it's been - the usual excuses spring to mind - busy, meals out, visitors and trips away. The last entry was 4th September but fret not, you won't miss out on all that's gone before; I hope to catch up over the next few days - or so!
Well I exagerated! I've just made it this far but I'm in the swing now and hope to catch up before 2009 is finished.

Monday 9 November 2009

Home Sweet Home

All went well with the flight home. It's good to be back to warmer weather and our own bed.

Sunday 8 November 2009

The Big Do!

The sun was shining and the golf course looked lovely with its autumn colours. The whole family plus Barbara, her usual Sunday lunch pal, assembled for a cavery lunch (Mum's favourite) and as the chef is a relative by marriage we were well catered for!
Then it was back to Jill's for tea, another cake, more bubbly and lots of spoiling.

Saturday 7 November 2009

More Shopping

Back into Stratford and went to M&S for the umpteenth time. Still that was just really a time filler while we waited for Mary's bus to arrive from Brum. Had a long leisurely cuppa in one of "ye olde tea shoppes" and surprisingly for Stratford, didn't get ripped off for the pleasure. Got Mum home in time for her to go to mass where everyone sang "happy birthday" to her! It was lovely to see her just glowing with all the attention.

Friday 6 November 2009

Let the Festivities Begin!

Mum's 80th birthday; flowers arrived and there were presents to open. Set off up to Leicestershire, again aided by John's telephone, to see Mum's cousin Maureen who is a lively 85 year old. Had lunch in a very nice pub and then chatted and reminiced all afternoon. In the evening Rosie laid on a do complete with a cake bearing Mum's photo and bubbly.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Bosom of the Family

2nd -5th November:
Back from our travels and another pub lunch this time at the White Hart and another visit to the bank, a trip to do some supermarket shopping and lunch at Morrison's (mighty and fallen springs to mind!), a visit to see Joan, a look around our inheritance, and a trip to the doctor's for Mum to have her flu jab. Stopped off at the Black Horse afterwards for a drink but as it was cold inside we didn't linger long. Dinner at Gail and Roger's was more like it and as Rosie did the driving we were able to sit back and enjoy the wine!

Sunday 1 November 2009


Drove down the motorway in heavy traffic to spend the evening with Karen and Andrea. Rather than go out we opted for a Chinese take away which came with free smoke alarms from Andrea who's in the fire service.! Was great to catch up with them and we were oh so lucky that they were back early from their holidays.

Don't loose your Head!

Thought it was too good to be true .. the wet and windy weather came in wih a vengence. We went off to a garden centre and took our time over coffee and the papers before finding a pub for lunch After a few abortive attempts we ended up at the Headless Woman. Apparently the name comes from the myth that a serving "girl" refused to give up her mistress' jewellery to the Roundheads during the Civil War and was beheaded for her trouble. She then walked to Duddon with her head under her arm but the story stops short of saying what she did once she arrived. The food was fine but spoilt by a table of very lah lah people who drove us to distraction and left us wishing there was a sword bearing Roundhead handy!.