Friday 31 December 2010

No Bells!

Still not feeling well but we walked down to the sea front in Sleima and wandered along the prom; Nothing much of interest to see though I suppose we could have gone into the church to look around and pray for an early recovery. With the strong Italian influence very evident, Christian wanted to eat pizza so we went into a trendy looking place which looked down over the sea. I had ravioli (must remember to ask for 'no oil')which I could only force down half of and Christian was mightily disappointed with his soggy based pizza.
Made an effort to dress up for the gala dinner by which time I was really full of aches and pains. still no appetite and all I managed to eat was half a portion of salmon. as for drink ... nada! So, dear friends, my great idea to go away at New Year was hardly a great success and we were in bed by 10.30pm.

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