Thursday 14 April 2011

Losing Hair, Gaining Inches

Yesterday was another tear-your-hair-out-day for Christian what with people who had said they would give B & B to the carnival troupe dropping out at the last minute and reorganising the allocations, only to find that instead of 42 coming there are now only 36! This whole enterprise has been a real headache and luckily for you, dear readers, too tedious to go into here. I'm sure that the WRVS had an easier time with the evacuees.
For me there was a meeting about the Concert for Europe Day that the Association is organising with another village association but maybe I've told you about that already.
Today, Christian's welcome break from the Mairie was a trip to the clinic for a biopsy which left him feeling pretty washed out and not up to eating at the Lebanese restaurant as he'd planned. Still there's choucroute, a huge Alsacian dish to look forward to at Michel's tonight so perhaps it was just as well.

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