Thursday 21 April 2011

Fun with Friends

18th April:
Christian went off to Perpignan with Kelvin to help with translation at a meeting while I waited for Margaret and Irene to come around. They appeared three bottles of rosé later for apéritifs and a pot-luck dinner. Rather rashly, they thought it would be a good idea if they upheald English pride by organising something along the lines of the proposed trip to Scotland that's coming up at the end of the month.
20th April:
Had a coffe in the bar with Margaret in the morning and were invited by the kids theatre group to participate in the meal that they'd organised for the Guadeloupians. Another good night of music and food.
21st April:
Association all morning followed by a drink in the bar and a trip to the new beauticians in the afternoon. Christian had a council meeting in the evening so we didn't arrive at Danielle's until after 8pm. Jacques, Yaneth and Lisa were already there but fortunately they were able to wait before tucking in to as usual, a good meal; just look at the starter if you don't believe me. Funnily enough, the tablecloth was made of the same madras material that is typical of Guadeloupe.

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