Monday 13 February 2012

News Update

The news is all a bit grim at the moment ... 334 prisoners dead in a prison fire in Haiti, death on the streets in Syria, demonstrations in Greece about the austerity measures, a war of words between Argentina and Britain over the Malvinas/Falklands, "The Artist", a silent movie, won several Baftas and Whiney Houston was found dead in her bath. In France there's alot of electorial posturing between the Presidential candidates with Sarkozy finally declaring his intention to stand. Now there's a surprise! There was, however, a funny moment when watching what else but "Whitechapel" the gruesome crime drama about a serial killer, when asked if his Seargent was like family, the DCI said, "well, I wouldn't want to spend Christmas with him, so I suppose he is!"

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