Tuesday 14 February 2012

Funny Valentine

Why go out for a romantic lunch in a chic restaurant when you could spend it with a group from the Association in a Chinese "all you can eat "buffet? We ended up there after a guided tour of the new theatre in Perpignan. Some interesting architectural features and apparently, it's the top for the artists and technicians. Pity there's no leg room for anyone over 5'2"!!!
Still, Christian had bought me some red roses this morning, so all was not lost.
In the evening, David and Laura came round for something to eat as there wasn't much time to get things ready when we got back that we had a raclette which was fun and went down well.
Christian who had finished the course of antibitics that he was given when he finanly went to see the GP about the cough that wouldn't clear up, is still coughing and now has an allergic reaction. So, off he went, back to the GP and came home with cough mixture and skin cream. Here's hoping that it will do the trick.

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