Tuesday 30 October 2012

A Lucky Escape

At last, the biting high winds of the last few days have calmed a bit. The sky is blue and the Association website after numerous trials and tribulations is almost good to go. We were invited for lunch by Nicole, an association member but before that we called in at Carmen's with a cake I'd made to say "thank you" for a rabbit (a dead one) that she'd given us. Her husband who is a hunter offered us an apéritif and a pheasant still with its feathers on. Fortunately, Carman took pity on us and said that she'd pluck it. Nicole gave us, Danielle et Maggie a good lunch, after which Maggie and I went to see Trudi who is knitting things for us to sell in aid of the Téléthon in December. It gets more like the WI everyday though you'll have a long wait for a calendar, if that's what you're thinking.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Pasha Christian

Although we do quite a lot of things our life has a very regular structure. Today is Saturday and by now you've long since known that it's Saturday and therefore market day. We did however stop in at the library where there was a short jazz concert. In the evening we met up with Margaret, Irene, Izzy, her future mother-in-law and another friend who are here for a very quick visit. They came to ours first for a cocktail and "canapés" (sounds so much better than "nibbles", n'est-ce pas!!!) before we all went to the restaurant for dinner. Christian with 6 women, he was in his element! Of course, we couldn't end the evening without a nightcap.

Friday 26 October 2012

Rubbing Shoulders

There was no need to cook as this evening we joined 1,500 other supporters of our newly-elected MP in a huge hall in his fiefdom. Just a dozen of us from the village but we bumped into several other sympathisers we know from elsewhere. It ws really well organised and the paella was delicious and amazingly arrived hot on the tables. What's more it was a freebie.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Andalucia in France

Christian to the Mairie and me to the Association then meeting up for an apéritif in the bar, it started as a Thursday like any other. In the evening, however, Juste and Joséphine picked us up to go to the wine bar where there was a singer/guitarist. We were joined by Marie and Antonio wh didn't take long to get up and flamenco between the tables. now, that was much more fun than watching the telly

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Old Friends

After three month's treatment of a Vitamin D supplement yesterday's blood test showed an improvement but it's still a little low so I'll need to get away from the computer and out into the sun.
Today, we met up with Annie and Graham after at least a couple of years. It was lovely to see them and they were delighted to discover our favourite restaurant. Needless to say that we all parted with promises of not to leave it so long next time.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Parlem Catala?

Weather is still damp with drizzle and not the best kind of day for a rally. Yes, it's that time of year again when Catalans from both sides of the frontier commemmorate the excecution of Lluis Campanys by the Franco regime. This year it was particularly important as a referendum on Independance is the air. The keynote speaker was the Mayor from Sant Pere de Torelló, the first town to declare itself independant. All the impassioned rhetoric, political fervour and bold Catalan colours were in strong contrast to the swirling mist. Had lunch with the Mayor and his wife in the nearest restaurant and the penalty for two cups of coffee was a sleepless night.

Saturday 20 October 2012

Rain, Rain, Rain

Thursday, it rained heavily and apart from going to the supermarket, it was like any other Thursday ... committee meeting, language exchange and an apéritif in the bar.
Friday, Spanish and then lunch with the Mayor and his wife at Michel's.
Today, no market as we had a funeral to attend and in anyway, it was still raining. Three days in a row is just not on. Had a drink in the bar afterwards with Maggie and then stayed on and had lunch.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

We Won't be Back!

After a hearty breakfast as given to their B&B guests, we said a fond farewell to Marie and Pierre and went into the town for a look around and a coffee. We'd the whole day infront of us to drive to our next stop at a vineyard near the much-visited medieval village of St Guilhem du Desert.
Had a great lunch in the village of Ginestas in a restaurant called "Les Trois Petits Cochons". Not expensive, well cooked, real village bistro atmosphere and very friendly owners and customers.
The route was a pleasant one and the sun was shining so we were able to have the hood down as we sped along straight roads lined with plane trees, parallel to the Canal du Midi,.... just how you imagine the south of France to be. Our trusty GPS took us within a couple of miles when we found a blocked off road and no clear indication which way to go. Fortunately, a friendly agricultural worker on a tractor took us through the vines to St Jean de Fos, a village specialising in pottery. Had a walk around but didn't buy anything, prefering to pass the time catching the dying rays of lovely golden autumn sunshine drinking tea on a terrace.
Then came our B&B stop in a vineyard which we bought through the "Groupon" scheme. Oh dear, not our thing at all. The rooms were bling and Ikea and our bathroom opened into the bedroom but had no door! There are times when open plan works and times when it doesn't. An evening meal was included and
their blub made great play of a traditional menu, so imagine when the hostess said "we go to Spain once a week to buy our meat and cleaning products"! The package also included a tour of the wine cave with an explanation about their production methods, a tasting and 6 bottles of wine to take away. We thought the tasting would be the apéritif but no, it accompanied the meal. There was another couple at the table with us, very uninteresting bakers and to cap it all our hosts' attention-seeking grandchild didn't give us much peace while we were eating. After dinner and breakfast we were encouraged to order wine, the cheapest bottle of which came in at £10; we didn't succumb to pressure and for our pains were kept waiting for our six free bottles and received neither a goodbye handshake or wave ... the owner was too busy looking after the uninteresting bakers who were loading up their car with extra wine.
And it started to rain, so we didn't visit St Guilhem but came straight home as Juste wanted to work in the afternoon. Consoled ourselves with a very pleasant lunch at the local restaurant did some work on the blog and watched some TV.

Monday 15 October 2012

All a bit Spooky

There was no Spanish this morning so we were able to get organised for our couple of days away with Juste and Joséphine. Took the scenic route after lunch to Limoux going by way of Cucugnan with its flour mill, windmill and narrow streets. Fortunately, we didn't have to pass through the very narrow Gorge de Galamus which is a pretty hairy drive when there's oncoming traffic.It's one of those experiences that you're glad to have had but are not overly keen to repeat. We did bypass Bugarach which is one of the few places that is expected to survive when according to the Mayans, the end of the world comes on 21st December. Well, it is an area steeped in myth, legend and the history of the Cathars so Isuppose it's ripe with "new age" types. Arrived at Pierre and Marie's and came back down to earth finding a very warm welcome and as usual, a good meal waiting for us.

Sunday 14 October 2012

All the Fun of the Fair

Well, spoke too soon, I woke up at 5.30am so I was well in time to go and help sell African crafts for the other association that I am invoved with.at the village's October Fair The weather was fine but I ended up doing more chatting to people I know than selling. Still, at least it brought them over to the stall. Joséphine's flamenco group were there to give a demonstration so Christian and I went with some of them to the local bar for lunch. Wandered around the carboot sale in the afternoon but didn't part with any money and Christian siestered (not really a word but I like the sound of it)to his heart's content.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Market Day Again

The sun was shining so we changed venue for our apéritif to Pascal's bar which is a real sun trap. He's a really nice guy who used to live in the village and glad to say tht this new venture seems to be going well. While there, we met François from the village and we a couple of glasses together before deciding to stay there and eat paella for lunch.
Then, it was my turn to work as Di and Robin were coming for an Apéritif dinatoire. There was lots of news to catch up with and several bottles to drink as they stayed until 1.30am. Not to worry, tomorrow's Sunday.

Friday 12 October 2012

A Mix of Cultures

Well, Spanish wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but there's no way that anyone will mistake my accent for anything other than English. Later that morning the mobile beautician came to call, so now I can bare my ever-white legs to the world. Sorry, is that too much information?
In the afternoon, I made "Calypso Lentil" Soup, a long-standing favourite. It's made from red lentils, red pepper, tomatoes, coconut milk, spices, celery and carrot and it always goes down a treat. Found the recipe in one of those bargain cookery books that you used to be able to buy for not much more than £1. This time it was Juste and Joséphine's chance to try it in between a vernissage and a concert(guitar and songs in Catalan) at the bar.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Came home early from the language exchange to prepare dinner for lone and Jesper, David and laura. On the menu:
Moroccan Roast Lamb with Couscous
Banana Cake with Cream (a great way to use up over-ripe bananas. Just put them whole, skins and all into the freezer until you need them)
That was the fun part of the day, once they'd gone it was time to get out the Spanish homework!

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Birds on the Wing

Time to go with enthusiastic echos of "thank you for a lovely holiday", we took Mum and Maureen down to the airport. Stopped off at Vilafant for lunch in a modern restaurant where the food was good but sadly it was in a residential area, so not much cachet there. Still, can't win 'em all.
Called in at Juste and Joséphine's on the way back but our cuppa was cut short with a call reminding Christian that he should be at the local tennis club to present their new recruits with tennis rackets.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Well Worn Path

Mum and Maureen's last day here so we went up into the montains and over the border.The drive gave them both the opportunity to see the fire devastation. First a coffee chez Conxita which apparently was the best that Mum had had during her visit.The statue in the background commemorates the Catalan story of the shepherd and the mermaid. Sadly, only the shepherd remains; the mermaid and the plaque have been stolen. Had lunch at our favourite restaurant and that met with approval too.

Monday 8 October 2012

Keeping 'em Busy

Played concierge for the calligraphie group and then took the "terrible twins" with me when I distributed the association's latest newsletter. A wee glass of wine was a pleasant reward and we then stayed on for lunch which was very tasty.Went down to Argeles for a little walk along the front and had a very mediocre cup of tea.Jacques came round with a bottle of muscat and stayed until 1.30am!

Sunday 7 October 2012


Mum and Maureen toddled off to Mass and then joined us at the bar for a drink along with Nick and the Maire. Spent the afternoon battling with the photos for the site and then went to Jean and Françoise's for an apéritif and soup.

Saturday 6 October 2012

Out for Tea

Another sunny day so it was just right for a trip to the market where we left Mum and Maureen to wander on their own before meeting up for an apéro. Spent a bit of time on the website which grinds on before we went to David and Laura's for tea; homemade scones and jam, a lovely bit of nostalgia.

Friday 5 October 2012

Remember the 60s!

Spanish first and after that out to Figueres for a look around the shops.as a change from looking at shoes, there was a very noisy demonstration infront of the Town Hall protesting anbout Municipal corruption. To make up for yesterday's rather sad lunch we went to Garriguella where we ate well and bumped into some association members.
Would you believe it, it's 50 years today since the Beatles released "Love, love, me do" - oh how I remember it well and as Mary Hopkin said "those were the days, my friends

Thursday 4 October 2012

An old Haunt

After a morning closeted with the Association, Mum and Maureen joined us at the bar for an apéritif and were able to catch up with people that they'd met in previous years.Lunch was disppointing - the steak was tough - can't win 'em all and our guess know better than to complain!Went for a stroll around the lake which hasn't moved since we were there an age ago.Shame that we can't get back into the habit, it really is a lovely spot.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

They're Back!

Thank goodness, the sun is back for a few days so at least we'll be able to get out and about with Mum and Maureen who are back for their annual stay chez nous. Started well with dinner in the restaurant which met with their approval and they stayed on for the quiz which sadly we didn't win even with Michelle and Jean-Jacques on the team.

Tuesday 2 October 2012


Weather has fortunately picked up and the other good news is that Nick and I have finally sorted the disappearing photo problem. Christian's surgery and our usual dinner afterwards on Monday (even gave the duck a miss)and then this evening a council meeting for Christian and an EPLF meeting for me. Having gone 30 minutes early, I went to the bar and joined James and Beverley on the terrace for a glass o
f wine.