Saturday 12 January 2013

A Choice of Chips

Bumped into Gaby and Robert at the library where there was a jazz concert. From there we decided to try a new restaurant nearby that has been taken over by Guillaume who used to live in the village. Sod's law, it was closed for renovation and as it was 1.15pm by this time we took pot luck at the casino. Buffet hors d'oeuvres, steak and dessert. The food was fine but the waiter bordered on the grumpy. Imagine our surprise when we arrived chez Juste and Joséphine and found that the apéritif dinatoire had turned into a meal ... Rabbit and galette for dessert. The other surprise was that Sylvie brought presents for Jo, Kathy and me. She said that the Three Wise Men had left them .

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