Saturday 5 January 2013

Keep Taking the Tablets

We both saw our respective GPs on Wednesday. I went in the morning to the one in the village and came home with things to swallow, drink and rub in. There are two doctors who work independently, no receptionist, just someone who does secretarial work before the surgery starts and the waitingroom is in sore need of decoration. Oh yes, and the surgery is on the first floor and there's no lift. A long way from the swish health centres that exist these days in UK. I guess the doctors are not investing as there are discussions underway for them to take space in a new development but it's not built yet and is being held back by protesters who don't want the housing that will go along with it. So, we can only think that the waitingroom will become even drearier. Christian, too came home with a bagful of medication but whereas I was taken on time, the locum finally saw him at 7.15pm instead of 5.30pm. Here's hoping the antibiotics do the biz.
Thursday Michel stayed for lunch and had a fright when I couldn't get my breath from coughing so hard. Must say that I had a fright as well.
Friday, Christian went to the Mayor's mother-in-law's funeral but I stayed home in bed in the warm, feeling exhausted.
The news of the moment is that Gérard Depardieu has asked for a Russian passort as he considers it a more fitting demcoracy than France after his spat with the governement about being a tax exile.
Today, the sun is back and we did what we often do on a Saturday. Went to the market after I'd delivered the association newsletters that I should have taken several days before. While having an apéritif in the sun, we decided that after being cooped up this week, it would be great to head for the sea and have lunch. Unfortunately, Juste and Joséphine couldn't join us but invited us there instead. So that's what we did and arranged to go out tomorrow.

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