Sunday 31 May 2015

In a Bit of a Daze with it All

Philippe and Paula called with some fresh fish straight from the quai and joined us at the bar for an apéro.
Even though there is no religous ceremony, the church warden agreed to sound the death bell at midday today at at 9am tomorrow, the time of the cremation in Perpignan. He also gave me a date for a mass to be said on 19th July. Although he wasn't religious, Christian would love the idea of lots of villagers all thinking of him at the same time.
People started to arrive from the Normandy, Paris, Provence, Marseille, Picardy,  Denmark, England and Scotland during the afternoon. Anne and Ian were putting up Chris and Jill, my brother and sister along with Ann and Noel, friends from Scotland. I took them up and Ian ended up giving us a late afternoon drink which became an apéro when Anne came home from a voice workshop.
We managed to find accomodation for everyone ; 4 with Philippe and Françoise, 5 in Nancy's house, 2 with Jacques, one with Jean-Jacques, six in Margaret's house. In the end I had more offers than takers. Nono and Evelyn were there in their camping car and there 6 adults and 5 children chez moi.
Was I glad to have my own space in the nest!
There were 34 of us for dinner at the bar, Jean-Louis having done us a good meal fixed price meal.

We decided to make the most of a few hours of relative calm before family and friends arrive so we went to the market which was even more animated than usual due to the cherry festival. Had lunch at the bar back in the village and a siesta afterwards. In the evening. Thérèse and Jean called and stayed for a long apéritif.

A busy day starting with a visit to the Undertakers in Perpignan to organise the cremation for Monday. Yes, things happen fast here. All went well and we came back to the village for lunch in the restaurant. The rest of the day was filled with visits from people (Nany and André, Carmen and José, Laurent and Samia, Dominique and Marilyse, anne G), emails, phone calls, offers of help and strategic planning for the ceremony. These lovely flowers arived from Nancy in the States.
Jean-Jacques joined us for dinner and there was a raid on the wine cave for some good bottles of Collioure. I could just hear Christian making one or two choice comments which I won't mention here!
26° Sun, rain showers

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