Sunday 3 May 2015

Languishing in the Doldrums

This week has not been a lot of fun, especially for Christian. He's been very tired, has no appetite and for the last three days has been migrating between bed and settee. The stairs are unthinkable at the moment.
Friday was May Day and a public holiday. We were booked in at the restaurant with Henri and Michèle for a wine tasting (Domaine Piquemal, ) and tapas meal. Christian didn't feel up to it so, I ran back and forth with each course in the hope that he would be tempted to eat something. Two king prawns was all he managed. That gives those of you who know him an idea of the state of play. There were 18 of us in all; French, Catalan, Norvegians, Danes and yours truly. The wine was good; I particularly liked the rosé. The food was good though too much to finish it all.
Yesterday I begged a lift to the market with Hans and Marie-Madeleine and met up with Rowena and her parents for a long, leisurely coffee in the sun. Couldn't help but spare a thought for 35 folk from the village who are at the moment on a twinning visit to Normandy where it's raining heavily. Of course, we should have been with them but we prudently decided not to sign up. Shame, as the contact is always warm and fun-filled. I came home on the bus and spent the rest of the day in front of the tv.
Apart from a trip to buy bread, a chat stop at the café this morning and a quick whizz around a carboot sale down on the recreation ground this afternoon, today has been another very quiet day. See, life isn't all lazy moments on sun-filled cafés watching the world go by with a glass of wine in hand.
Temperatures between 18° - 26°, sunshine, cloud with a couple of rain showers at the end of the afternoon.
In the News:
  • Nepal earthquake death toll over 6,200. Thousands more missing, injured and homeless
  • Unemployment in metropolitian France now 3.5m
  • French women voted for the first time (Municipal elections) in 1945. Interestingly, the radical socialists had voted against their enfranchisement as they were convinced that women would vote for whom the priests directed them to!
  • The Guardian revealed that French soldiers accused of sexually exploiting children in the Central African Republic (there as peacekeepers!!!!) in exchange for food.
  • Birth of royal baby. Of three British residents living in the Dordogne interviewed by French tv, only one could speak French! After weeks of is it a boy or a girl, the world is on tenderhooks to know her name!

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