Friday 6 April 2018

Best Laid Plans

06.04.18: The only "boar" was on the plate.
Did nothing of interest during the day apart from drinking coffe with Kevin, our very own aging rock star.
The evening was spent around Jacques's dining table eating roast wild boar and discussing village politics with the neighbours. It was served with potato and celery mash and apple and onion purée. Very tasty. Anna made a serious rum soaked cake and the rest of us provided a chacuterie starter, salad and cheese. I must take my turn some day; can't keep putting it off.
17°, sun , light showers

05.04.18: Spoiling my Inner Child again
Had tea in the sun after the language exchange and then was invited along with Roland to share lunch with Jacques.
Nick came in the afternoon to give me some training on the new website programme at the end of which, he had a beer and I had a cuppa sitting on the terrace in the sun.
Next came Jacques and Gérard backed up by Anna to take my dismantled wardrobe to Jacques and to bring up the old one from the cave. Jacques stayed for a beer and this time I went for a glass of wine.
Spent the evening watching "Paddington 2". No comment needed!
19°, sun, overnight showers

04.04.18: It's an ill wind ......
Had an unexpected call from the installer of  my stove to deal with a minor problem I was having. Given that they have to come from a distance, they obviously only wanted to come when they were in the area. If I'd gone on my travels, I wouldn't have been around.
Did a fair bit of toing and froing around the village and not a lot else.
20°, sun, cloud, rain

03.04.18: To rearrange or not to rearrange
Confirmation came through that my train to Paris tomorrow would not be running due to a strike. so Jacques with whom I was travelling had coffee together to decide what we were going to do. There were a number of factors that made it all too complicated so we abandoned the idea.
Went with Margaret, Kelvin and Irene for lunch at "Le Fanal" a Michelin star restaurant in Banyuls
Excellent meal, beautifully executed and presented.
Had coffee sitting in the sun looking out to sea. What a delight.
Back in the village I had two back-to-back meetings. One about the twinning visit at the end of the month and a trip to Germany later this year.
Ended the evening sitting on the terrace of the bar chatting and listening to a variety of guitar music.
20°, blue skies

02.04.18: Any excuse to down my duster!
Saved from getting even dustier from sorting/cleaning the cave when Françoise arrived looking for company over a coffee. By chance, Kathy happened by and joined us briefly.
Did some catching up on the blog and justed lazed around, not even going to partake of the Pascal omelette.
19°, sunny, windy later

Sunday 1 April 2018

Happy Easter Bunnies

It was a real pleasure to come out of the house and see the street decorated with flowers, chickens and eggs for Easter.
There weren't many of us for coffee in the bar; folk were either in church or the kitchen, I guess. Toddled over to the church in time to watch the traditional sardane after the mass was over which took me to lunch time.
As there are never any buses from the village on a Sunday or public holiday, Henri came to pick me up for lunch at theirs. Foie gras, lamb and strawberries. No complaints there.
Didn't get back home until after Henri had a lengthy siesta followed by a cup of tea and a biscuit. Eager to get back home I did hold out about not staying on for supper.
Was looking forward to a quiet evening in front of the telly and had just poured myself a cuppa when Margaret arrived at the door to invite me for a drink at the bar with her son and family. Still had time for a bit of telly afterwards and relatively early (ie, before midnight) night.
17°, blue sky