Sunday 1 April 2018

Happy Easter Bunnies

It was a real pleasure to come out of the house and see the street decorated with flowers, chickens and eggs for Easter.
There weren't many of us for coffee in the bar; folk were either in church or the kitchen, I guess. Toddled over to the church in time to watch the traditional sardane after the mass was over which took me to lunch time.
As there are never any buses from the village on a Sunday or public holiday, Henri came to pick me up for lunch at theirs. Foie gras, lamb and strawberries. No complaints there.
Didn't get back home until after Henri had a lengthy siesta followed by a cup of tea and a biscuit. Eager to get back home I did hold out about not staying on for supper.
Was looking forward to a quiet evening in front of the telly and had just poured myself a cuppa when Margaret arrived at the door to invite me for a drink at the bar with her son and family. Still had time for a bit of telly afterwards and relatively early (ie, before midnight) night.
17°, blue sky

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