Saturday 31 March 2018

Uninspiring Start to the Week

31.3.18: Returning Hospitality
No market this morning. Was so busy organising this evening's meal for Mags, Jim, Terry, Ann, Nicole and JJ that I forgot to go and listen to the "goigs", Easter songs sung "carol" style in the streets.
Being Easter, I did a roast leg of lamb à la Jamie. It was very easy and tasty, so give it a go. Ann, bless her, brought a seriously delicious raspberry and chocolate tart. The Anglo/French mix worked well too.
17°, sun, blue sky, wind

Went into Céret with Margaret, Kelvin and Irene. Had a pleasant leisurely time and then Margaret and I came back for an omelette lunch at the bar. Jacques came in the afternoon to take apart a wardrobe for me which rather than take to the dump, he's decided to treat the wordworm and keep it himself.
19°, sun in morning, cloud latter.

Went to the market in Figueres with Michel. It was also his birthday but sadly we couldn't go to the restaurant he'd thought of as it was closed. Ended up in the one by the market which was hardly worthy of a celebration.
Back home I played "matchmaker" between JJ and a new member of the association as they are both interested in philosophy. Even though it was apéritif time, I just drank tea. Tea drunk and after a polite period of time in conversation, I went home to watch tv which was more to my style.
17°, sun

Pottered and then prepared supper for Margaret, Kelvin and Irene who are over on holiday. It was a simple affair of apéros, soup, cheese and dessert. The soup was actually ace. It was a minestrone livened up with "putanesca" flavours of finely chopped olives, anchovies, capers and chillis.
21°, sun, cloud later

Did some work and then went for a walk to crank up the step counter. Took this photo on my way around. Makes me wonder why I don't get myself out more to take advantage of all this gorgeous scenery. Came home and did some more work on the website. Tv and a long chat with Jen and then ended with even more tv.
18°, sun, cloud

26.3.18: Busy Day, Lazy Evening
Committee meeting, coffee with Nicole, lunch at home. GP appointment this afternoon, a visit to the painting group but to busy to have tea with them. Gave Kevin's "live aid" meeting to organise a benefit concert for those effected by the "tornado" a miss this evening in favour of staying infront the TV.
16°, sun and cloud

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