Saturday 16 March 2019

The Pipes, The Pipes are Calling

11th -16th March:
You'll find a few more photos here
Operation bagpipes was much in action this week.  A meeting of the working group on Monday evening with muggins both chairing and doing the minutes. There was a recce to Le Perthus on Tuesday afternoon with Françoise to check out the 17th century fort and roman ruins as a potential visit. As she didn't know La Vajol, through where Spanish refugees passed in 1939, we took advantage of the fine weather to go and explore, of course stopping at Conxita's for a cup of tea.
We went back again on Friday to visit the Tourist Office in Le Perthus and a restaurant that we're thinking of for lunch and then in the evening the programming group met. Paperwork, emails, spreading the word and never ending reflection filled many another waking hour.
Thank goodness there was time with Nicole for coffee and chat.  
The promised pancakes chez Michel Wednesday afternoon didn't materialise however, Annette and I were treated instead to homemade cake to accompany the lapsang suchong. Had enough time to run home for a bottle of wine to take to JJ's where Alan and Dominique who are here on holiday, had prepared dinner. Also present were Michel, Henri and Michèle. Then on Friday, there was dinner  at Nicole's, across the road for a select band of neighbours. Nice to be included!
On the culture front there was a night at the cinéclub to see the Iranian film "Three Faces". Some amusing interludes in contrast to the bleak countryside and the hard reality of life, especially for women. A drink (fruit tea for me) back at Jacques’ rounded off the evening.
As for the rest of the week: 
I felt pleased with myself for having got back into the habit of using the treadmill; thank you Netflix  for giving me something to watch while I mindlessly stride out.
Made a visit to the market which, as you will know, is another habit.
Finished watching "Secret City"where political intrigue, Aussie style was rife and made a visit to Midsomer where the storyline was so mind numbing that I fell asleep and missed the end zzzzzzzzzz!
Enjoyed some colourful sunsets.
Was horrified by the shootings by a white supremecist in Christchurch.
Was stupified by Brexit forever bumbling on.

Apart from Monday which was overcast, there were cloudless blue skies and temperatures from 14° (when the Tramontane was blowing) to 21°

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