Sunday 10 March 2019

Days Out, Evenings in

 You'll find a few more photos here
No Sunday lie in. Had to be up and out for just after 9am to go to Collioure with Jean and Françoise. The sun was out and a warm day was in view.
Walked around the market and along the sea wall before meeting up with J and F's daughter, two grand children and their friend JM at the Templiers for coffee.
As I'd forgotten to take something out of the freezer for lunch and fancied a glass of wine on the terrace of the bar, I took the notion to eat there. Sat myself where I could benefit from the sunshine only to have to move as it was too hot!
Came home for a cuppa and allowed myself just one episode of "Secret City" before working at the computer.
Another visit to Oz where political intrigue was rife and to Midsomer where the storyline was so mind numbing that I fell asleep and missed the end!

21°, sun, blue sky, cloud later

Went off to the market with Jacques and met up with Jean and Françoise for coffee. Then it was lunch at Kathy's out in the sunshine.
This evening, I left the States to head down under to "Secret City" which is turning out to be a "just one more" kind of series.
22, sun, blue sky and a little cloud

Oh, what fun! An early start to clean ready to receive JJ, Henri and Michèle for an apéro before going to the restaurant for lunch.
We got off to a good start when Henri knocked a full glass of wine into JJ's lap causing him to bolt home to change.
Duty called for JJ so there were only the 3 of us for coffee at the bar, well, until Michel stopped on his way over to the Mairie. How enjoyable it was in the sun.
Did a bit of this and a bit of that and before I knew it, it was time to meet Nicole P at the other bar. Just one glass then home for a bowl of soup and an early night.
17°, sun, cloud later

Put in a very brief appearance at the Language Exchange after doing a bit of work on the computer and before meeting Nicole to go to Figueres.
There were far fewer stalls there than usual and while it was pleasing to see an array of light colours after winter blacks and greys, nothing caught our eye.
Had a very long lunch at Aroma Café and drove home via the supermarket avoiding a serious cloud burst.
16°, sun, cloud, rain

Jacques had a rehearsal for St Patrick's night so we had to delay our trip to Collioure. Once again we were on a mission for "Operation Bagpipes".
Decided on a restaurant, walked their route but still need to sort out parking for the bus. Apparently, there's a drop off fee of 20€!
Had lunch at " Les Templiers" and visited Machado's grave; both a first for Jacques. Like many other people he thought that he was Catalan but in fact he was born in Andalucia.
This pleasant escape to the sea was followed by screen time at home and bed at 3am after finishing season 2 of Designated Survivor. Now there's a wait until season 3 is launched. Patience, patience!
19°, a sun, cloud, wind

Started the day with an extra thought for Christian. It would have been his birthday.
Was good to do the kind of thing that we would have enjoyed doing together. Those of you who know us will guess that it would involve discovering a new village and a good lunch. Today it was Calmeilles, a pretty little village of 30 people in a Commune of 65 complete with its own Mairie. It's little "Bistro de Pays" called "La Cisteil" (Catalan for  basket) served up good, simple fresh food.
A walk through the cork trees, at 600m afforded miles of super views.
Managed to get back in time to go straight to a book signing of Antonio Machado ....., a Spanish poet who fled to France in 1939 and is buried in Collioure. His tomb has become a place of "pilgrimage"; people leave objects on and around it and also leave
letters in the letterbox by the side of it. Post is also delivered there. Just imagine the address.
The presentation went on to discuss the "Retirada" and was followed by an apéritif.
Scenery, good food, the company of friends, culture, history and sunshine. What's not to like?
18°, sun and blue sky

Worked on the website, hit the treadmill and roamed the corridors of power with the Designated Survivor.
Finally put my nose outside for the first time at 5pm to set up the welcome apéritif for new members of the association. About 20 of us chatted, mixed and mingled. Then it was home for a cuppa and back to Washington.
15°, overcast

For the first half hour of coffee time I was all own my own. The others were either in the other bar, celebrating Granny's Day or lazing in bed. Finally, Rosie, Jo and Lynne turned up so unusually it was an all Brit affair. Stayed until it was time to walk over to Maggie and Trevor's for lunch. Nick and Lizzie arrived by bike, Terry and Ann by car.
We enjoyed a good long lunch which had guinea fowl as the main course. The walk back helped ease the guilty conscience!
16°, sun and some cloud

Decided against going to the market, preferring to meet Nicole for coffee. The bar was cheerless and Jean Louis more interested in reading his rugby magazine that doing his job.
Went to Céret under my own steam even though I'd had offers of a lift from my two gallants to go earlier. Arrived in time for lunch at Henri and Michelle's and as you know, there's no such thing as a free lunch ......
Spent a long time transferring the birthday photos and sending them on to family. Really must learn how to create zip files.
Spent the evening in the usual way though gave myself a break from "Reign" about Mary Queen of Scots and fast forwarded 500 years to get to know the "Designated Survivor".
18°, sun cloud later in the day

Made an overdue visit to the hairdressers and then met Hortense for an overdue coffee.
After lunch, had an overdue session on the treadmill.
The evening started with a Twinning meeting; I couldn't resist getting up from the table to take this photo. Business done, Martine and I headed for the bar, right next door for a glass of rosé. Finished the day with , yes, you've got it, a box set.
18°, sun and blue sky

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