Sunday 23 February 2020

Elections, Eating but no Exercise !

17.2.20 - 23.2.20:
The first couple of days were just frittered away with nothing to report other than a trip to the dustbins and only marginally better, a trip to the supermarket and a bit of French revision which of course did not linger very long in the part of my brain marked "foreign languages"! You won't be surprised to hear that there's been a fair bit of telly watching.
There wasn't anything cultural either; the rest of the week was about eating and drinking. No surprise there  either.
Coffee in Céret with Jacques before meeting Penny and Pauline for lunch at "La Galerie" Excellent meal and chatting to the chef, I leant that he's moving to the village next week and is likely to be
looking for somewhere to open up when he and his associate go their seperate ways at the end of the year. Not that I can call myself an influencer but my preference would be for a wine and tapas bar. Room for seeds to be sown and words in the right ears, methinks.
In the evening Jacques catered for 7 of us; in addition to Jacques and I, Evelyn and her sister, Dominique, Ida and Georges  were there. Good food, wide ranging conversation and lots of laughs were enjoyed by all.
Nicole came for coffee; Angela and Paul, Roland, Ann and Terry came for an apéritif before we went for an excellent meal at the restaurant. Once again I'd given the language exchange a miss.
Was a long day with little respite; some cleaning as well making dinner took ages. There were a variety of canapés and a fish pie to prepare and for some reason or another, I decided to make two marmalade cakes for the freezer. Really didn't need to pile on extra work/pressure. I'd just finished when Linde, her Canadian friend, Eleanora, Kathy, Jean and Françoise arrived.
Still it was worth it and everyone enjoyed what was on offer  ..... even better, that's another returned invitation off the list.
Market in the morning where as usual I met Françoise for coffee and chatted my way between the car
park and the café and back again. Rather than eat left overs, I said "yes" to an invitation to join Antoine's electoral team for lunch up in the mountains. Took me back to the good times that Christian and I used to have there.
Morning coffee with women friends at the other bar and in the afternoon I zipped my way through a lot of paperwork on the computer.
This evening 11 of us squeezed into Linde's for an Austro-Hungarian meal of goulash and knödel (dumplings), a lot of red wine and some chaotic singing in French, Catalan, Hungarian and English.
Oh dear, Linde needs to go back on my "need to return the invitation" list!
Started off the week with a cloudy day and temperatures of 15°; by Thursday there was blue sky and 18° and today a very warm 22.5°.

Ps The snail in this month's photo album is part of the carnival float and very impressive it will be too when it all comes together.

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