Sunday 16 February 2020

Elections, Eating and Exercise

9.2.20 - 16.2.20:
Nothing wildly exciting this week, so I won't blame you if you don't read on.
When I managed to drag myself away from the tv and the computer frustrations that came along, I did some domestic chores, including dealing with the weeds that have been making themselves at home. Michel, a neighbour happened by and immediately set off home in search of a saw to prune the lemon tree and other vegetation. A most welcome offer, especially as he took away the rubbish as well. sad, what passes for noteworthy chez moi!
There was my neighbour's funeral . Marie (aged 84), was a simple, modest woman of Spanish origin with an accent and French (of sorts) difficult to understand. Sigh, I suppose that will be another house that will end up as appartments.
There weren't any cultural outings but I did attenend the public  presentation of Antoine's electoral list and a neighbourhood get together organised by my neighbour who is on his list. These "tupperware meetings" as Antoine calls them, are a tradition here as a way of having more direct contact with candidates. Both events involved an apéritif.
Wednesday, the 3 widows met for lunch at the village restaurant pleased that they are back from their winter break. Duck breast, my favourite.
Coffee at the other bar with the exchangers, an impromptu apéro at mine with Jacques and Nicole's weekly political debrief over coffee also helped to keep me in touch without having to make any effort.
Can't say the same of the apéritif dinatoire at mine. Spent all afternoon allowing my culinary juices to stutter forth in the prepartion of an evening with JJ, Jacques, Jean and Françoise. Took our time working our way through it all and drinking fizz over wide ranging conversation and even better, I was saved from another ridiculously late night in front of the tv.
For once, I didn't go for the usual Sunday morning coffee; I was up late for reasons that aren't difficult to work out. 
As there aren't any buses that come through here on a Sunday, Henri came and picked me up for lunch. Dining on guinea fowl with peaches was a real treat. Mmm! Jean, he, who gives me seville oranges every year, joined us for coffee after which he took pity on Henri who was nodding off, and offered to drive me home.
If you've made it this far, you'll be thinking, what an unchalleging, self indulgent week it's been so now's the time for me to let you know with some pride that I had two long walks with Francoise. One to St Luc's chapel accessed by the battlefields  of the Franco/Spanish war in the 18th century (2h15) and the other one from the uninhabited Château d'Aubiry
to St Jean via Vivès (3h45). Both gave great views over Canigou and the perfumes of burgeoning vegetation. Your still battling Winter storms while we're enjoing an early Spring time but as we all know, the weather is more and more capricious so believe me, there is no smug look on my face as I write.
13° - 25°, mostly sunny

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