Sunday 8 August 2021

An Unseasonal Start to August

1st - 8th August 2021

Socially, off to a flying start but weatherwise you'd never know that it was August. Chilly (24°, cloudy with rain showers). Kicked off the month and surprised myself by putting on an apéritif dinatoire for 9 of us. Guests of honour were our Colombian friends and I didn't stint. Loads of food which took hours to prepare. As I've often observed, it's quicker to do a 3 course meal! In between all the chopping, mixing and garnishing I kept an eye on the sky and despite having cleaned the upstairs terrace, I played safe and relocated to the kitchen. Just as well, it rained. Shame I've had to cut off Lisa, who at 15 is underage, as I didn't ask for permission to post.

And, hold your breath, I hauled myself back onto the treadmill for a bit of pre-breakfast exercise the first two mornings. Then came, a merry - go - round kind of few days followed; with late nights and 4 unproductive days treadmill wise. Do I hear, "now there's a surprise" ? Nothing, that I didn't say myself, believe me.

A trip to Perpignan for my annual dermatology check up which took me 6 hours to get there and back on the bus. Oh, the joys of hanging around searching for shade in between times. Still, all was well, so can't complain.

Dinner followed by a mini harpsicord et cello recital give by our hosts.

 A soirée for 10 chez moi, this time due to impending rain, in the dining room yet again with far too much food. This time it was to reunite friends from our Norman twin town and ex Mairie people who participated in the exchange.



 A welcome day out with Laura, David, Martine, joined en route by Jacques and Monique, a friend of his from Roses. Started in St Laurent with a visit to the espadrilles workshop and Les Toiles du Soleil. From there we wound our way up to Falgos; a bit fresh but it made for clear, fabulous views. On to Tapis for a quick shop and rv with Jacques. Then came the main event ~ a good meal at La Quadra in the garden. Walked back through the village to the café/bar in the square for a coffee where 6 drinks were a fraction more than a third of what we paid at Falgos! Difference between a bourgeois golf course and one of the earliest (1834) workers' social centres in Catalunya that still functions in the same spirit. Rounded off the day with a visit to buy cava. All in all, my kind of day.

A vernissage in Christian's room. Mirrors and ornaments. Different but not wildly exciting and the artist is the partner of the woman on the Council responsible for Culture. JJ and I didn't stay long enough to partake of the apéro as there was one programmed at his to say "cheerio" to the Normans. 

The lay off from the treadmill had to came to an end. All the rich eating and no exercise was not a good combination. Helped the digestion this evening which was spent snacking on some tasty sandwiches (even if I do say myself), other nibbles (Yaneth) and a couple of bottles of cava (David), not that he was celebrating unlike Jacques when the Springboks won in the last minutes. 

Sunday lunch at the restaurant with Martine, JJ, and just two of his house guests; Jacques was flat out after his vaccination. Didn't affect our appetites though!

Weather: 22° - 30° bringing cloud, rain, sunshine

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