Tuesday 31 August 2021

Au revoir August

 23rd - 31st August 2021:

It's now almost dark at 20h30 and mornings are cooler; a sure sign that Autumn is not too far away. Still, the days continue to be warm and sunny so no complaints. This week, like so many others, has involved all the usual everyday activities and a number of social get-togethers around a table. No complaints there either!

  • An apéro dinatoire chez Jean and Françoise with JJ, Linde and her daughter.
  • Lunch at the other bar with Nicole S then back there in the evening for an apéritif with 2 of the usual 3 English women. Tried to do a bit of consciousness raising about "Incels" which made a change from endless covid conversations. The platter wasn't that exciting either and to top it all only bottles of wine were available rather than the option of a carafe. Not on, methinks. It's hardly a gastro pub.
  • Coffee with Jim and Mags who've just arrived back after an absence of nearly two years and with Françoise here and in Céret.
  • Apéro with JJ, Jean and Françoise sitting out by the fountain; on the way home Camille, a neighbour, called me over to the picnic bench in the square where she was having a glass of rosé with some friends and invited me to join them. Couldn't refuse
  • Another offer I couldn't refuse was dinner with 3 generations of friends here on holiday from Leicestershire. Even though I have scant regard for what they serve up at the bar, catching up with them more than made up for my misgivings. 7 adults and 5 kids made for a jolly evening feulled by a few glasses of rosé.
  • There was even an evening at mine for JJ and Jacques who's in the village for a few days. For once it was supper rather than an apéritif dinatoire and having made ample, there were left overs and even some cava that saw me through a couple of days.
  • The next day an impromtu dinner invitation came from Jacques's at 18h. Jim and Mags came for the works and David and Laura came for coffee. However, we were still on the apéros when they arrived so David, joined us for a small portion of the meal; Laura saved herself for dessert and cava.

Haven't been on the treadmill but as yet there is no sign of all those meals on the scales. Not a bad way to end the month.

Weather: 29° - 31°, dry and sunny 

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