Thursday 16 October 2008

On English Soil

16th - 22nd October
The crossing was ok , the traffic could have been worse as we hit the M25 at rush hour and our fish and chip supper could have been better. Still in a bad mood. Grhhh! Arrived at Jill's where as usual we were made at home and the mood started to lift!
For once we had pleasant autumnal weather and the village looked particularly pretty with the sun on the leaves and the honey coloured stone.
Went to see Dad everyday which surprised him. He looked better than I'd anticipated and was quite chirpy, ready to put the world to rights, so no change there. He wasn't fit to go out for a meal though, so we had a Chinese take away instead.(19th) There were two trips to Stratford for Tesco and Marks and Sparks and couple of meals out. The Bell at Alderminster which was excellent (17th) where Christian and I had lunch by ourselves, Tesco's with Mum, no comment and the National Herb Centre with Mum and Barbara which was diappointing. Jill did a buffet for us , my neices and their husbands as a warm up for the X Factor, no comment and Rosie did a great Autumnal meal for us (20th) when we had the pleasure of meeting my nephew's girlfriend. He also showed some of his Uni work. He's doing car design and I guess has inherited his artistic gene from Chris. We also went to view Chris's building handiwork. My wee brother, really is very skilled as you can see from the photo.
Apart from that we went into Moreton with Mum, took her to see the doctor who thinks that she might have laberynthitis, took her to Stratford with us and the garden centre where all the Christmas decorations were out and had lunch with her most days. Our last evening, Jill put on a really nice meal for us so that we could relax and take it easy with a glass of wine or three.
The drive down to the ferry passed without problem and we arrived in time to have a meal in the new Warfequays complex at Café Rouge. Well, we need to get back into French mode. The development looked impressive and well worth visiting in daylight. Spent the night in a reclining chair which wasn't too bad, arriving more or less on time in Le Havre.

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