Tuesday 7 October 2008

We're Back!

Well, as you know, it wasn't many messages ago that I vowed never to leave the blog unwritten for so long and as you know, the way to hell.... Sorry to the faithful few who have had withdrawl symptoms but the catch up starts now in reverse order.
This being the first Monday of the month, Christian and Michel made the pilgrimage to do their municipal duty up in the mountains. Joëlle, Alain, Monique and I, of course, joined them for dinner along with 2 visitors from Guadaloupe. There was some discussion about twinning possibilities. A couple of different faces, another table but the usual duck and banyuls sauce. What will we do when the restauranteurs take their winter break in January and February???
(The first sentence was written on the 7th Oct, it's now the 4th November and I've just arrived here with the catch up - only a month to go!)

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