Saturday 6 December 2008

Pulling out all the Stops

Started the day at the market but this time with Joëlle as Christian was at the village hall helping set up. Also leafleted cars for the Christmas Market. The afternoon consisted of a British tearoom (which raised 1000€), guess the weight of Colin's "gâteau", a sculptor who used a chain saw to carve out a tree trunk in the shape of an owl for a raffle and various stalls. I left the Association to it's own devices as the website did a bottle stall and raised 200€. During the afternoon the kids theatre group took of various members of the Council and villages. Wht a thrill to find myself being taken of. Was even better than the young woman was "mignonne" as the French would say. The fair ended at 6.30pm and then it was all hands on deck to prepare the hall for the evening meal of wild boar for 70 people. The evening continued until 3am at our place with Jean (and his guitar), Monique, Alain, Jeanine, Jean-Claude and Carmen. Now there's the Christmas Market next weekend ......

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