Monday 1 December 2008

1st Téléthon Event

Maggie and I set up stall outside the church to try and flog tombola tickets to the good Christians of the village and then after that outside the bar to do likewise to the not so holy! After that we carried the trunk up to the hall where an "Ollada" was on the menu and we started selling again; a last gasp before the draw later on after the meal. An Ollada is a Catalan stew that uses all the bits of a pig that you'd rather not know about. It does, however, taste delicious. There were about 150 people who sat down to lunch and all was a great success. The tombola raised over 400€ so we were well pleased with our efforts. The trunk contained two helicopter trips and believe it or not, the Mayor won. Being the good sport that he is, it went back in to be drawn again and was won by Michel's Mum who is 97! There was entertainment provided by a group of young people who'd do well on "X Factor"and by Jany and Jean. Not content to call it a day after we'd cleaned away, Joëlle, Monique, Alain, their friends, Simone and Roger, Joséphine, Geneviève, Juste, Jany, and Jean came back to ours for a wee refreshment and more music. Alain, Monique, Simone and Roger stayed on for pot luck out of the fridge. One down, two more events to go! .....and we didn't forget that it was St Andrew's Day either.

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